Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

N0.79                       Price 1/2 - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY                       NOVEMBER 1967.

Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Alexander Hutton, Savings Bank, Market Place, Langholm

Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255

Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.

Text for November: “What shall I render unto the Lord for all His benefits toward me?” Psalm 116. 12.

At the Communion Services last Sunday I spoke about the Offertory as being the central and culminating act of Sunday worship and of the Communion Service. In the Early Church every Service on the Lord’s Day was accompanied by the breaking of bread, when those present after taking in their hands the symbols of our Lord’s broken body and shed blood, responded by giving themselves anew unto rhe Lord and to his service. And as a token of doing this they gave of their substance. In the earliest days of the Church there were no church buildings to maintain, so the Offering was of kind, bread, fruit and wine. This provided the means for a common meal in which rich and poor shared alike. From this they took sufficient bread and wine to provide the elements for the Lord’s Supper which followed the meal, and what was left over was taken to people in special need. This is what the Early Church called the Offertory or Sacrifice, a token of surrendering themselves anew unto the Lord and to His service. The time was soon to come when money was included in the Offertory as introduced by St. Paul in the young Churches he founded in Ephesus, Corinth and Philippi. This giving of money was called for to support Mother Church in Jerusalem, where many were destitute through prolonged famine. And Paul would from time to time visit Jerusalem, taking with him the offerings of the young Churches.

And of course at the beginning of the 4th century when Christianity ceased to be a persecuted religion by the Emperor Constantine adoptin-g Christianity as the official religion of the Empire church buildings now began to appear, and these were built and maintained, and the priesthood or ministry supported by the giving of money by the people in the Offertory. And this is why the Offertory was given a central place, as it still does in the Roman Catholic Service, coming between the Creed and the Mass.

At the Reformation many of the Reformed Churches like the Church of Scotland ceased to celebrate the Lord’s Supper in every act of worship, but on special occasions. But the Offertory was retained, only it was devalued by calling it the Collection. In recent years the term Offertory has been restored and whether in an ordinary weekly act of worship or in the, Communion Service it is the culminating act of the Service, when in response to the appeal of the preaching of the Gospel or in remembering our Lord giving Himself on the Cross, the congregation gives themselves anew unto Him, and as a token of so doing they give of their substance.

Now first a word about the mundatory importance of the Offertory in carrying on the work of spreading the Gospel and the world-wide Church.

Churches cannot be built and maintained, missionaries cannot be trained and sent out into the world without money. In the early days our Island home was a place of heathen and dark cruel customs, until missionaries came with the Gospel. These missionaries were sent by the givings of Christian people in other lands, and they could not have been sent and maintained without the Offertory or sacrificial givings of Christian people in other lands. Most of you know that a week ago your minister and two of our Elders, James Kyle and Tom Coulson, were sent to attend a Christian Stewardship School at Carberry Tower, Musselburgh. Eight different Churches sent representatives from different parts of Scotland, some as many as seven representatives. Jedburgh Old Parish sent their minister, Provost and Mrs. Brown, their treasurer and others. There were two young Sunday School teachers at the School from Auchterhouse in Angus, Well, what was the School all about? Christian Stewardship, is an organised imeans of approaching every Church member, informing of the financial problems and the obligations of membership. This movement called Christian Stewardship began in America, was taken up by the Churches in Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Europe and England. The Church of Scotland is one of the last to adopt this approach by setting up a Committee on Christian Stewardship in Edinburgh, which undertakes to organise campaigns in parishes throughout the land. Over a hundred such campaigns have been carried through, and we are told that whenever the full organisation is adopted and carried through there is no doubt of success. It involves the employment of the official organiser at a fee of £300, who resides in the parish for the period of the campaign. His first task is to enlist a large visiting committee who are trained and then sentout to visit every member, urging the member to attend a special supper. After the supper four young people of the parish who have been given a brief of what they have to say, speak to the members on the duty of giving themselves and their means to the Lord’s work. This meal is laid on in the largest premises available, and costs possibly another £300 according to the size of the congregation. I know of many Churches where such a campaign has been carried through, Carlisle Church of Scotland, Stanwix Church of England, with amazing results.

My impression after attending this School, is that this is not the answer to our problems in Langholm Old Parish. As the purpose of the organisation of a Christian Stewardship campaign is to gather together the largest number of the members possible, particularly those who do not attend in a regular way, I feel that our Communion Service gives us just this opportunity without such organisation and expense. And so I am going to say very briefly now "what would be said if we were gathered together at a campaign supper. Let me make it clear that what I am about to say does not apply. to a large number of you. Many of you are giving generously regularly some by Deed of Covenant, some by Free Will Envelopes, some by open offerings in your weekly attendance, and many of the old people Who can least afford to give are giving generously by means of Church Boxes. I think the younger people could do better as few are without money to spend.

Our Old Parish Church has to meet assessments to the Church of Scotland of over £1,000 a year to support the wider work of the Church in Scotland and throughout the world. We have to maintain our lovely Old Parish Church in heating and lighting and cleaning, pay the minister’s stipend, maintain our Parish Hall, heating and lighting and cleaning and which we give freely to the good of the community. The annual financial statement shows how much this costs, and I calculate that we need to increase our income by another £500 a year to meet our present needs without special and urgent appeals. So I appeal to everyone not already having committed themselves, to consider now giving by Deed of Covenant, if on the high rate of income tax (this enables our treasurer to recover the tax you have paid on that amount without additional cost to you) or to take Weekly or annual Free Will Envelopes. I would appreciate if any one feels led to respond to this appeal, if they would speak to me or send me a post card, and I would advise on the best way you could do this, and in absolute privacy. We have close on 900 members on our Communion Roll. If two thirds of that number were prepared to do their part, in however small a Way, our financial worries would be solved.

I have spoken; about the mundatory importance of the Church Offertory. Just a word about the wonderful opportunity the Offertory gives us to show our gratitude to God for all He has done for us.

Leonard Griffith, a Canadian world famous preacher, has told about a Toronto businessman who once called him into his office. s This man had just been received into Church membership, and he wanted to know how much he should give as an an;nual contribution to the Church. Dr. Griffith suggested a certain sum which was about the average contribution the Church received from each member. The man sat back and looked on him in astonishment, and then went on to say this; “Joining the Church has been one of the great decisions of my life, and it has to mean something. My annual gift will be . . . . .” and he mentioned a sum so substantial that the minister was left staggered. “You are being very generous” he murmured. The man replied, “God has been very generous to me”.

If We feel God has been generous to us in life, then we will want to respond in a generous way. If We don’t feel that way, then we will just leave things as they are.

I read recently about the late Emil Mettler, a restaurant owner in London. He was a keen business man, and a devoted supporter of any Christian cause. He was a member of the City Temple where formany years Dr. Leslie Weatherhead was minister. He was a close friend and supporter of the late Dr. Albert Schweitzer in his work among lepers in Lamberene. He is remembered today by those who knew him for a generosity that almost embarrassed them. The story is told of one day a missionary from India called on him, and while in conversation Emil Mettler had occasion to open his cash register. The missionary was astonished to see inside the register money notes and cash and a six-inch nail. “Why a nail among the money?” he asked. “I keep this nail with my money” replied Mettler, “to remind me of the price Jesus Christ paid to be my Saviour, and what I owe to Him in return”. That is what the bread and wine of the Communion Service should do withpus if we partake of it as symbolic of the body broken and the blood shed for us and our salvation. It should remind us of what it cost Jesus Christ to be our Saviour and what We owe to Him in return


Dear Fellow-Member

November and December are months of special Services and activities.

Remembrance Day Service

On Sunday, 12th November we will again have United Langholm Churches Remembrance Day Service, with Erskine, Congregational and Scottish Episcopal congregations and ministers joining with the Old Parish congregation and minister. This is the Annual British Legion Service, attended by Provost Grieve and members and officers of the Langholm Town Council, Air Training Corps, Observer Corps, the Red Cross, and other uniformed organisations including the Boys’ Brigade, Guides and Brownies. The parade under the command of Alec Cowing, will move off from the Buccleuch Square at 10 a.m. to the War Memoriall in Buccleuch Park, when a wreath laying ceremony will follow. The congregation is asked to be seated in the Old Parish Church by 10.45 a.m, so that the two minutes silence at 11 a.m. can be observed in church, along with people thoughout the land. The Earl Haig Fund Collection will as last year be taken on retiring from the church, and We appeal for a generous response. In the past twelve months 221 people have been assisted from this Fund in Langholm, Eskdale, Canonbie and New-castleton at a cost of £861 12s ld.

The evening Service on Sunday, 12th November, will be led by members of the Over 60 Club.

Church of Scotland Pulpit Exchange with Church of England

On Sunday, 19th November, I am exchanging with the Rev. Geoffrey Hill, B.A., Rector of Arthuret Parish, Longtown. In the growing friendship between the different denominations of the Christian Church this kind of exchange of pulpits is happening frequently in our towns and cities and is to be welcomed. Geoffrey Hill is no stranger to the Old Parish as he brought his Youth Fellowship on a Sunday evening visit a few years ago and preached the sermon on that occasion.

Boys’ Brigade Enrolment

On Sunday, 26th the 1st Langholm Company of the Boys’ Brigade will attend the Morning Service for the annual Enrolment Service. The Company is well up to strength, as is also the Junior Brigade, and we have reason to be very proud of the good work done among boys in Christian training and leadership by Jim Kyle and his officers.

Under this notice I would like to mention that the B.B. Week for 1967 is 18th to 25th November. Each boy is given. a collection card and the funds go to support B.B. Companies abroad.

It have just seen the Camp Visitation Report of our Company Camp at Borgue from 1st to 8th July, 1967. The Visiting Officer was Captain John Ferguson, Murray-Lea, Greenbrae, Dumfries, and he gives “A” the highest mark possible for Suitability of Site, Condition of Tents and Bedding, Sanitation, Medical. Provision, Cooking, Relations with Owners of Site, General Tone and Discipline, and his remarks under General Comments are, “Good camp, good equipment, good site. I thought the novel idea of pesenting an oil painting of the area, painted by the Captain, Jim Kyle, to the farmer a very nice and thoughtful idea”.

I would like to express here our best wishes to one of the B.B. Officers shortly leaving to settle in Canada. I refer to Roderick Beattie who has served in the 1st Langholm Company since its formation. He now holds the rank of Lieutenant and is very much liked and respected by the boys and fellow officers. On Friday, 27th October he was presented with a lovely Bible by Captain Jim Kyle as a token of the best wishes of Officers and Chaplain. Philip Harkness then presented him with an inscribed travelling clock as an expression of the high regard and best wishes of the boys of the Company.

Hawick Salvation Army Band Visit.

We were delighted to see such a large congrega- tion for the visit of the Hawick Salvation Army Band on Sunday evening of 22nd October. This less formal kind of Service was much enjoyed as were the sincere short messages and the lovely music. The Captain has written me saying how much they appreciated the opportunity to lead the Service in our very fine church, appreciation of the collection for their Centenary Appeal (it was in the region of £11), and special thanks to the Ladies of our Guild for a splendid supper.

Women’s Guild Spectacle Collection

At the Guild meeting on 24th October, films and a talk on Orkney by Mr. Wood was very much appreciated, and thanks are expressed to John Scott for bringing the projector and showing the films. At this meeting there was a collection of spectacles to be sent to Dr. Hamilton Currie, our Church of Scotland Medical Missionary in Zambia. So far I have received over 100 used spectacles and will hold them for another two weeks in the hope of obtaining more. Any one having old spectacles they have no further use for, please let me have them and I will be dispatching the lot to the Overseas Missionary Department in Edinburgh for transmission to Dr. Hamilton Currie.

Special offer to provide Exterior Light on Stained-Glass Window

Mr. Edward C. Armstrong, the Clerk to the Congregational Board, has received an offer of a donation from a Langholm resident, not a member of the Old Parish Church, to pay half the cost of illuminating the lovely stained-glass window in our church from outside, so that at an Evening Service with the interior lights turned low we can enjoy seeing the lovely colours of the window. The cost of providing exterior lighting is approximately £32, and this means that if I can find someone willing to donate £16, or a few people willing to make up that amount, we will have the job put in hand.

Reference in November Life and Work to our Senior Elder

I would like you to notice on page 21 of November issue of Life and Work, reference to presentation of Long Service Certificate; to William Stuart. And may I commend to our people the value of taking the Church of Scotland monthly magazine, Life and Work. Under the present editorship it improves every month in manner of production and articles of special interest. At 8d it is a good buy.

Happy Event and News for your Minister

I would like to mention the happy news that was. intimated in The Scotsman a week ago, of my daughter Rosemary becoming enagged to David Anderson in Cambridge. Rosemary, daughter of my first marriage, is employed by the Luddon Farmers’ Co-operative, and her work is visiting farms in Norfolk keeping records. David is employed by a Farm Consultantary Firm in Cambridge. We hope to see them married in the Langholm Old Parish Church early next year.

Sympathy with the Bereaved
At Dumfries Hospital on 9th October, George Gowanlock Hudson passed away at the age of 91 Sincere sympathy with his family.

At Cumbrae House, Ballingry, Fife, on 24th October, Mrs. Helen Cowan Cormack, formerly of 6 Elizabeth Street, Langholm, passed away at the age of 79. Mrs. Cormack has been in poor health for some months and was living with her daughter Hazel at the time of her passing. She is greatly missed by her relatives and friends in Langholm. Deepest sympathy with her three daughters and relatives.

At the City General Hospital, Carlisle, on 20th October, Mrs. Agnes Jane McRobert Dickson, of’ Merrick, Walter Street, passed away at the age of 88. In her latter years she enjoyed the care of her devoted daughter Mrs. McKail and family. Our sincere sympathy with her daughter and family.

At the Cumberland Infirmary on 27th October, Mr. William Earsman of Muirdale Eskdaill Street passed away in his 9lst year. He was tremendously loved and respected by the people of Wamphray where he spent his working life as Gamekeeper and many who knew him in Langholm. He was an Elder of Wamphray Parish Church. His daughter? Mrs. Margaret Scott has been an outstanding example of a devoted daughter to her ageing parent. Our deepest sympathy with the family and relatives.

Greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely.

TOM CALVERT, Minister.


Collections for Ocober, 1967

F.W.O. £198 9 1

Ordinary £68 1 5

By Deed of Covenant £10 0 0

By Donations £251 2 0

by Annual Envelopes £51 1 0

Retiring Collection (Benevolent) £19 12 7


At the celebration of the Lord’s Supper on Sunday, 29th October, 357 attended at the Morning Service 91 at the Afternoon Service.

The following were received into membership:

First Communicants: Jean Stroyan Hyslop, British Linen Bank House; Julia Kulik, 5 Holmwood Crescent; Marilyn Beattie, 8 Holmwood Gardens; Joan Hislop, 10 Waverley Road; Ian Roebuck, 17 Braehead; Alexander Heughan, 7 Holmwood Crescent; Frank Thornton Steele, 8 Galaside; James Hotson, 12 Holmwood Gardens, William James Smith, 29 Charles Street New.

By Certificate and special admission: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meek, High Mill, from Dean Parish, Edinburgh; Mr. and Mrs. James Gray, Academy Place, from St. Andrew’s, Blackheath; Mrs. Ivy Zaino, 6 Holmwood Gardens; Mrs. Harry Erskine, Holmwood Gardens; Mrs. Kulik, 5 Holmwood Crescent; Mrs. Helen Moffat, Westwater Cottage; Mr. and Mrs. John Scott, 25 High Street; Mr. and Mrs. George Ritchie, Rosevale Street.


At their recent meeting, the Congregational Board discussed several matters of great importance to all members of our congregation. As many will know, the Church boiler room was flooded during the recent heavy rains, and investigation has shown that this was at least partly attributable to the lack of proper drainage. The oil burner was seriously damaged, and it follows, therefore, that if a recurrence of this miniature disaster is to be avoided, steps must be taken to improve the drainage sytem and render the boiler room impervious.

On the subject of the boiler, a smell of oil has upset not a few members of our congregation, and the Board believe the only remedy is to construct an outside chamber, preferably underground, for the storage tanks.

It must be obvious to all that the road round the Church is in a very poor state of repair and should be re-surfaced. With so many cars now on the road, gravel can no longer be regarded as a suitable finish, and there seems to be no alternative but to tarmacadam the entire area.

Finally, it is many, many years since the Church was re-decorated, and, especially now that we have such excellent lighting, this is a job which must be tackled before very long.

To meet the cost of these extraordinary works is, of course, a real problem, and it seems likely that a special effort on the lines of the Fete of a few years ago will have to be organised for 1968.


At the meeting on Tuesday, 14th the Wigton Road Methodist Choir, Carlisle, will pro vide a programme of singing. The Erskine, Congregational and Canonbie Guilds will be our guests. We invite contributions of cakes, etc., for the tea.

On Tuesday, 28th November, our Guild will be the guest of the Erskine Guild.


The next meeting of the Young Wives Fellowship will be at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, 21st November. On Wednesday, 6th December, the Young Wives Fellowship will hold their Christmas party.


November 12, 10.45 a.m. Remembrance Day Service. 6 p.m. Evening Service led by Over 60 Club. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs, Wm. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

November 19, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m, Rev. Geoffrey Hill, B.A., Rector of Arthuret. Flowers, Mrs. Wm. Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.

November 26, 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Mary Dalgliesh. Boys’ Brigade Enrolment at Morning Service.

December 3, 11 a.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wood, National Bank House. 6 p.m. United Service of Old Parish, Erskine and Congregational in Erskine Church.


October 7, George Beattie, to Kathleen Szymkowiak, 2 Walter Street,

October 7, William Irving, 2 Alderley Terrace, Canonbie, to Sheila Mary Heughan, 7 Holmwood Crescent.

October 7, James Fleming Brown Bauld, Robsville, Chapelknowe, to Anne Elizabeth Heughan, 7 Holmwood Crescent.


October 9, George Gowanlock Hudson, at Dumfries Hospital. Age.91.

October 20, Agnes Jane McRobert Dickson, at Carlisle City General Hospital. Age 88.

October 24, Helen Cowan Cormack, formerly of 6 Elizabeth Street. Age 79.

October 27, William Earsman, at Cumberland Infirmary, Carlisle. Age 91.

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”. 2 Timothy 4. 7.