Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
N0.68 Price 1/2 - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY NOVEMBER, 1966.
Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. John Tyman,M.A. LL.B., Barbank, Langholm. Tel. 223
Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255
Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.
Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.
Dear Fellow Member.
I wish to commence my Letter for November with some comments upon the special Services and activities of the past month.
United Guild Dedication Service
On Sunday, 9th October we joined in a United Service in the Erskine Church when members of the Women's Guild of both congregations attended. Lessons were very well read by Mrs. Clark and Miss Ella Glendinning. The address on the text "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee", Acts 3. 6. was given by Rev. Dr. Dinwoodie. There was a good attendance and the Service made a very good impression upon all present.
Harvest and Cradle Roll Services
The Morning Service which had a record attendance was led by the Sunday School children. At the opening of the Service the children brought in their gifts which were received by Douglas Anderson and Alec Hutton. These gifts were later divided and taken to the childrens ward, Cumberland Infirmary, Dr. Barnardo's Home, Hawick, and the children's section of the Astley Ainslie Hospital, Edinburgh. Lessons in the Service were very clearly read by Douglas Anderson, Angela Osiak, Geoffrey Ireland, Sally Hill, and Sheila Lamont. The Sunday School sang as a choir the hymns, "The fields are all white", and "If I come to Jesus". At 11.45 a.m. parents of babies whose names are on the Cradle Roll joined the congregation via the minister's vestry entrance, then followed a short Cradle Roll ceremony. I explained that babies baptised in our church have their names placed on the Cradle Roll, and wherever they may be living in this country or abroad they receive birthday greeting cards, sent by Misses Jean and Lila McVittie, the keepers of the Roll. On reaching three years of age the names are removed, as at this age it is considered a child is old enough to commence the Beginners Department of the Sunday School, which is conducted by Miss Mary Dalgliesh. Fifty eight names presently on the roll were ,read out, and as the parents stood up Misses McVittie presented each baby with an orange as a token of our concern and care for the children of the congregation.
The Evening Service was attended by members of the Eskdale Young Farmers Club, when David Sandilands and Anne Murchie read the lessons. Later the young farmers were entertained to refreshments in the church hall, when Mrs. June Wilson showed lovely coloured slides and talked about the visit of her aunt, Mrs. Carruthers to Australia last year. The church was beautifully decorated for harvest by members of the Guild, and I express best thanks to the Guild and rnembers of the congregation for the variety of harvest gifts for church decoration.
October Communion
The October Communion was favoured with lovely autumn weather and with a good attendance, 385 in the morning, and 108 at the afternoon celebration. Seven young people were received into full membership on profession of faith, and fourteen were received by certificate of transfer; In the Services I took opportunity of congratulating Mr, Hutton on arrangements for his first Communion as Session Clerk, and Mr. William Stuart on the fact that he will have been an ordained Elder of our Church for 50 years at the end of the present year. The communion Thanksgiving Service was conducted by the Rev. John Kennedy, D.D., Ph. D. when in prayers and sermon we were all deeply impressed with a message appropriate to the occasion. Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy have become members of our Church at this time, and I feel very honoured to have a minister of Dr. Kennedy's distinction in our congregation. For the past 35 years Dr. Kennedy has served as minister of Cambuslang Old Parish Church. I well remember as a young minister reading one of Dr. Kennedy's first books, "The God whom we ignore", which left a lasting impression upon my thinking about the message of the preacher. During his ministry he has been in constant demand as a lecturer and writer and we are fortunate to have him retiring to Langholm. I am glad he is still willing to continue pulpit duties and St. Mary's of Hawick is fortunate during the vacancy in having Dr. Kennedy in the pulpit every Sunday.
Women's Guild
The Guild has had a good beginning to the new session. The first meeting on llth October began with the annual business meeting. Mrs. Mina Carter was re-elected president and to the pleasure and satisfaction of us all she consented to continue in this work for which she is so well suited both in experience and disposition. Mrs. Ella Calvert asked to be relieved of membership of the Guild Committee this year, and Miss Mary Dalgliesh was appointed in her place. Mrs. Kenneth Neill was appointed Presbyterial Council representative. All other office-bearers and members of Committee were re-elected. After the business meeting, Mrs. June Wilson talked about her aunt, Mrs. Carruthers visit to Australia, and slides illustrating the visit were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carruthers.
The Guild meeting on 25th October was addressed by the Rev. Geoffrey Hill, Rector of Arthuret Parish Church, Longtown, on the subject, "St. Margaret of Scotland". Mr. Hill delighted the company with his good humour and good knowledge of the early days of Christianity in Scotland. He is a minister of the Church of England doing an excellent work in Longtown among young and old. I was invited to preach the sermon at the Arthuret Harvest Thanksgiving Service and was greatly impressed to see the lovely Old Parish Church of Arthuret filled to the door, and with the first part of the Service giving the children an opportunlty to take an active part.
In November the Guild programme includes a concert organised by Mr. McGhee of Lochmaben when the Erskine Guild will be our guests. This is on Tuesday, 15th and on 22nd we look forward to having Dr. Clark showing films of local interest.Boys Brigade
The Boys' Brigade and Life Boys had an encouraging start to the new session, judging from the number of recruits. We are very disappointed that Mr. Robertson has found it necessary to resign as Captain, but delighted that Mr. Jim Kyle has undertaken to fill this important office. Mr. Robertson's work in founding the 1st Langholm Company of the Boys' Brigade eight years ago will be warmly acknowledged at the annual display. Meantime I wish to say how grateful we are to him for the splendid leadership he has given and the splendid influence he has been over so many of the lads who have passed through the Company, some now serving in the eldership and other offices of the Church. Mr. Jim Kyle has already done grand work as a Lieutenant of the Company, and to him we owe the formation of the Company Pipe Band. Mr. Gavin Graham is now Company Secretary. The annual Brigade Enrolment Seivice takes place at the Morning Service on Sunday, 20th November.
Remembrance Day
We will observe Remembrance Day on Sunday, 13th November with a United Service of Erskine, Congregational and Scottish Episcopal congregations joining with us in the Old Parish Church at 10.45 a.m. We would like the congregation seated in church in time to observe the Two Minutes Silence at 11 a.m. along with the whole nation. Rev. Dr.Dinwoodie will conduct the opening paft of the service, calling the congregation to stand at 11 a.m. for the remembrance silence. The Old Testament lesson will be read by Mr. Tom Lockie, Secretary of the Langholm Congregational Church. Rev. G. V. Kendall, Priest in Charge of All Saints Episcopal Church, Langholm, will read the New Testament Lesson and lead the prayers of intercession.
The Langholm branch of the British Legion will parade to the Service. together with Service Units including the Air Training Corps, Observer Corps, uniformed organisations including the Red Cross, the Boys' Brigade and Girl Guides and Brownies. There will be a short Service at the War Memorial at 10.15 a.m. when wreaths will be laid. Please note that the Earl Haig Fund Collection will be taken at the church door on retiring from the Service. I appeal for a generous response this year, as the Fund is giving benefit to approximately 100 people in Langholm, Eskdale, Canonbie and Newcastleton in the coming winter months. I should explain that the Offering taken up during the Service is the Weekly of the four congregations sharing in the Service for the work of the respective congregations.
Junior Choir
We are pleased that Mrs. Smith, wife of Dr. James Smith, is available to continue training the Junior Choir. The choir meets on Fridays at 4 p.m. in the Old Parish Hall. The aim of the choir is to produce a Christmas Service of carols and lessons. We are very fortunate in having Mrs. Smith to give the training and leadership to the Junior Choir, as she is a qualified music teacher and has a delightful way of working with the young folk. I hope all the children of the Old Parish congregation will give this opportunity their support.
Violincello Recital Service
On Sunday, 17th November the Morning Service will depart from the usual pattern of sermon, and while retaining congregational singing and prayers, we are to have a visit from Mr. Horace S. Hogarth, a celloist of outstanding ability and long experience. The recital will consist of some six or seven items, divided into two groups, drawn from the well known works of Bach, Wagner, Saint Saens, Godard, and Squire. Mr. Hogarth has played under many of our leading present day conductors and although now living in semi-retirement, he is engaged by the Carlisle Education Authority as a teacher of stringed instruments.
It is because Mr. Hogarth is a personal friend of our own distinguished organist, Mr. Andrew Mallinson, that this visit is possible. I would like you to help to make this special Service well known among music lovers and ensure we have few empty pews in church at 11 a.m. on Sunday, 27th November.
Young Wives Group
The Young Wives Group now meets on Wednesdays at 3 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of the month. The meetings allow young wives to bring their babies and the response in attendance is growing.
Over 60 Club
The Over 60 Club continues to meet on Tuesday afternoons and welcomes new members to a very free and happy atmosphere. The Club is holding a coffee evening in the hall on Wednesday, 16th November at 7 p.m. There will be a display of children's dancing, and a film shown by Mr. Hector of Lauder. The proceeds in aid of the Christmas party.
Under the auspices of the Scottish Old People's Welfare Committee an Essay Competition is being organised for Retired People in Scotland. The essay of five hundred words to be on the theme "I Remember", will be judged by a wellknown writer. The prize will be one week's holiday for two at the Covenanters' Inn. Aberfoyle, in mid March, 1967. Any interested can obtain fuller details from me.
Sympathy With the Bereaved
Mrs. Etta Bell Carruthers passed away at Sorbie, on 12th October at the age of 85. Mrs. Carruthers who had many years of widowhood lived a good and happy 1ife, especially in latter years in the peace and comfort of her daughter's home at Sorbie. Our sincere sympathy with the family at Sorbie and other relatives in their bereavement.
Miss Elizabeth Davidson, 62 Caroline Street, passed away in the Thomas Hope Hospital on 21st October, at the age of 78. Lizzie, as we all knew her was always full of cheer, was a keen supporter of her Church, and very much loved as a good neighbour. Sincere sympathy with her relatives.
Mr. James Scott, Meikleholm, passed away on 27th October at the age of 74. He was a man highly respected for his industry and skill in his work, and I have admired the care and love shown him during his illness by his wife and family. We extend to them sincere sympathy.
With greetings to all our people.
Yours sincerely.
Collections for October 1966
F.W.O £179 1 6
Ordinary £68 1 5
By Collection Boxes £6 7 6
By Annual Envelopes £51 8 6
By Covenant £5 0 0
The Kirk Session reports that the following were added to the Communion Roll at the October Communion.
First Communicants
Ellwyn Anne Bell, Broomholmshiels; Lorna Elizabeth Bell, Broomholmshiels; Elizabeth Mary George, I Charlotte Street; Florence Linda Halbert Roddick, 76 High Street; Yvonne Janet Scott, 3 Noble Place, Hawick; Maureen Ross Borthwick, 17 Henry Street; Robert Jackson Hart, 18 Braehead.
By Certificate of Transfer
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. McGill, Ardlui, Henry Street, from Heatherlie Church, Selkirk; Mrs. Anne Norden, 11 Rosevale Street, from Castleton Parish; Mrs. Janet Hotson, Birnie, Eskdaill Street, from Canonbie; Mrs. Elizabeth Little, 2 George Street, from Nicholforest Church of England; Mrs. Freda Foster, Old Irving Cottage, from Congregational Church; Mr. and Mrs. James Harvie, Douglas Hotel, from St. Ringan's Castle Douglas; Mrs. Minnie Calvert, 21 Academy Place, from Warwick Bridge Church of England; Rev. Dr. and Mrs. John Kennedy, Dunkeld, Ha'path, from Cambuslang Old Parish; Mr. Norman Allan, David Street, from Congregational Church; Mrs. Jean Willis, Sorbie; Mrs. M. B. Morrison, 2 Buccleuch Square, from Erskine Church.
The Queen has asked that 13th November be observed as Remembrance Sunday this year. The Two Minutes Silence is to be observed throughout the United Kingdom, and local authorities in Scotland are asked to arrange that all traffic should be halted between 11 a.m. and 11.02 a.m. on that day. In Langholm the people are asked to assemble in the Old Parish Church for this occasion.
The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland-the Right Reverend R. Leonard Small, O.B.E., D.D., has said: "This year Remembrance Sunday falls to be observed on Sunday, 13th November As the years pass those of us who are older, and can still recall both World Wars, have to reckon with the inevitable fading of memory and the growing mood of disillusionment which is a feature of our time. "What did it all achieve?" we may well ask ourselves in a bitterly divided world very far still from settled peace, the shadow of war still over us, and realising, AS we must in honesty, that former enemies who suffered total defeat have achieved a measure of recovery that challenges us amid our present problems. What does it all mean for us? might be the question of the younger generation who never heard the "banshee howling" or the sirens or any of the grim reality of modern warfare.
It seems to me that in this climate of thought and feeling we might do well to use this Twenty First Remembrance Day since war last touched our lives closely to do two simple things. First let us be content to let the silence so speak to us that we may realise afresh what we unquestionably owe to those rvho laid down their lives in the doing of their duty as they saw it. The famous legend of the Memorial in Burma still challenges us: "When you Return Home, Tell Them We Gave Our To-Day For Their Tomorrow". Uneasy though it may be this is this tomorrow they purchased for us. Second let us think in the silence, personally and realistically, of those who can never forget, the close relatives of the fallen they who go on paying their share of the sacrifice and the final payment is never made. This we shall come inevitably to think of those 'who broken by war in body, mind or spirit, maimed and handicapped till the end of their.days, whom we dare not forget.
"I ask you to make the act of Remembrance real and costly by contributing to the point of sacrifice to the Appeal for the Earl Haig Fund which so splendidly serves Ex-Servicemen and their families in every kind of need."
November 13: 10.45 a.m. United Churches of Langholm Observing Remembrance Day. Preceded by Service at War Memorial at 10.15 a.m. when wreaths will be laid. Flowers, Mrs. W. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Rev Tom Calvert.
No Sunday School on Remembrance Sunday, but older chiidren invited to join the congregation
November 20: 11 a.m. Ist Langholm Company The Boys' Brigade Enrolment Service. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Rev Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wm Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.
November 27:11 a,m. Cel1o Recital by Mr. Horace S. Hogarth, with Congregational singing and prayers. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Mary Dalgliesh, 13 David Street.
December 4: 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert" Flowers, Mrs Wood, National Bank House. Sacrament of Baptism at Morning Service.
October 16 Deborah Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs James Maxwell, Kirkwynd.
October 23 Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paisley, Cammo, Langholm.
October 15 George Edwin Boyd, 13 Stackbrae, Longtown, to Muriel Warbeck Hotson, 12 Holmwood Gardens.
October 22 Douglas McKinnell Little, Skipperscleuch, to Elizabeth Ballantyne Wyllie, Mosspeeble Cottage, Ewes.
October 29 James Melville McNab, Victoria, Cornrie, to Carol Gilmour Allen Paisley, Struan,Langholm.
October 12 Mrs. Etta Bell Carruthers, Sorbie, at Age 85.
October 21 Miss Elizabeth Davidson, 62 Caroline 'Street,at age of 78.
October 27 James Scott, 4 Meikleholm,at age of 74.
"For we know that if the earthly frame that houses us today should be demolished, we possess a building which God has provided, a house not made by human hands, eternal, and in heaven". 2 Corinthians 5. 1. N.E.B.
"Seeing we, are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses". Hebrews 12. 1.
November commences with remembrance of the Saint, 1st November being recorded in our diaries as All Saints Day. It is a day when Churches throughout the world observing the Church Calendar remember all the Saints who have no special day of remembrance, such as the Apostle Andrew has on 30th November.
The Bible has a lot to say about the saints. The word is used in the New Testament in the same way as Christian is used to denote people whose lives are different because they are followers of the Lord Jesus Christ. And the New Testament tells us three things about the saints.
First that the good men and women of past ages are still alive and are looking over us, and still have an influence over us.
This is what the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews means in our text, "Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and run with patience the race that is set before us." This means that our dear departed ones now look upon us with heavenly sight, and seek to help and influence us as they did when they were with us here upon earth. Dr. Leslie Weatherhead, in his recently published book, "The Christian Agnostic", tells us of an account an airmnan gave him of an experience of this kind. "He was briefed to pilot a bomber plane for a raid over Gemany. Here I will quote his own words as far as I can remember them. "This was my first operational flight and I was nervous. My squadron leader, for whom I had great affection, called me aside before we set out and gave me his final instructions. Having done so, he added: 'If you get into trouble, signal me and I will look after you.' The outward journey was successful, and I dropped my bombs and turned for home. At that moment a flak splinter entered the cockpit and smashed my intsruments. I lost touch with the.squadron and found myself alone in a fog, circling the North Sea. I had lost my bearings. Oil and petrol were running low. I got through to X and he replied, giving me my right course and suggesting methods for making the best of my petrol reserves. As a result I landed safely at the base. To my amazement I then heard that X had been shot down and killed during the raid, and some time before I had heard his voice over the R.T. giving me clear instructions which undoubtedly saved the lives of myself and my crew. My observer heard and recognised his voice as clearly as I did." This is no isolated instance, I could quote many similar from books I have read, or tell of experiences people have had of this kind, people whose level headedness I have no reason to doubt. Which leaves me with this conviction, that the bond of love is stronger than the power of death, and that physical death does not mean the complete severance of the ties and sense of care between men and women on earth and those no longer here.
The New Testament also speaks about brave people still Living upon this earth as saints.
In Pauls Epistle to the Philippians, cpt. 4, in verse 22 he says, "All the saints salute you, chiefly they that are of Caeser's household". That means that there were Christian men and women living in the very palace qf Caesar at the time when those who professed the Christian faith were being tortured and flung to the lions. And we all know of people living today who are saints every inch of their being, people who bear disappointment or illness or suffering with faith and courage, people who in the way they think and speak and act show forth something of the beauty of the Lord Jesus whom they seek to follow.The New Testament also speaks about our calling to be saints.
In 1 Corinthians ch. l, verse 2, St. Paul writes "Unto the Church of God,to them that are called to be saints".
This doesn't mean that we are called to be bloodless people who never laugh or enjoy. life. That is a popular idea of the saints of the stained glass window but it finds no authority either in the New Testament or in a review of the lives of the saints. The New Testament saints were men of joy, and St. Francis was called the merry saint. It means that the closer we live to Jesus the more His different way of living and thinking and speaking will be seen in us. Dr. Hugh Thomson Kerr tells a story of an American girl called Catherine. Her people lived in Philadelphia and one summer they came over to England for a holiday. They spent most of their time visiting the great churches and cathedrals. The thing that interested Catherine most in her visits to many ancient churches was the lovely stained glass windows with the figures of saints and apostles. One Sunday, after relurning home, her Sunday School teacher asked the class the question, What is a saint? Immediately Catherine replied, "A saint is person who lets the light come through". She was thinking of the saints she had seen in the wonderful coloured glass windows of the great cathedrals in England and Europe. And what a perfect answer, what a perfect guide to us who are called to be saints "A saint is a person who lets the light come through". When through our thoughts and words and actions the light and glory of Christ is seen, we can truly claim to belong to that vast company whom the Church remembers every year on lst November.
Please help to make well-known the Cello Recital on Sunday, 27th November, at the 11 a.m. Morning Service, by Mr. Horace S. Hogarth. The programme will include the following:-
Meditation "Ave Maria" Bach
"Berceuse de Jocelyn":Godard
"Le Cygne" Saint Saens
"Air on the 'G' String" Bach
"Star of Eve" Wagner
"Seranade" Squire