Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings. Tel. 223
Clerk to Conregational Board: Mr. E. C. ARMSTRONG, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255
Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Church Officer: Mr. ARCHIE SMITH, 7 Holmwood Crescent.
Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.
Text for November.—"And he brought him to Jesus."—John 1, 42.
Dear Fellow-Member,
St. Andrew's Day is on Monday, 30th November, when Scottish people throughout the world will celebrate in the name of their patron saint, and turn their thoughts in kindly memory of the land that gave them birth. Many of these celebrations will be of convivial character, when haggis will be part of the menu, and toasts will be drunk to the Queen, Oor Ain Countrie, The Auld Kirk, to Absent Friends, and the Guess. I have before me a copy of The Scots Year Book, an old copy of 1945. In it we find the names of many thousands of St. Andrew Societies in every town and city in England, Wales and Ireland, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, United States of America, India, Africa and elsewhere. Three of these Societies at least were formed by my own efforts in the war days and later at Aldershot and another in Catterick Camp and another at Portsmouth. My memories of these St. Andrew Supper occasions were of very happy parties. Not occasions as some imagine for a good dram, as the toasts were drunk in soft and non-alcoholic drinks when we gathered together in military camps to hold our St. Andrew Night. Such occasions were preceeded by Church Services on Sunday nearest to St. Andrew's Day, and when we remembered the chief characteristics of our patron saint St. Andrew. I know for a fact that these Services and St. Andrew Suppers did a lot of good in helping men and women to recapture early ideals of fine living, and helping them to retain a spirit of gratitude for what had been done for them in the days of youth. Since coming to Langholm we have held a. St. Andrew Youth Service on the Sunday evening nearest to St. Andrew's Day, conducted by the young people themselves, sometimes with two or more young people giving appropriate addresses. This year we have invited the youth of Longtown, along with their Rector Revd. G. Hill to be our guests at the Service and later at the Youth Fellowship, and we are asking Revd. Mr. Hill, the new and delightful young Rector of Arthuret to give the sermon. What do we know about St. Andrew whose name will appear at the head of thousands of menus of happy parties and suppers in the last week of November? He has the distinction of being the patron saint of no fewer than three different countries, Soviet Russia, Greece, and Scotland. There is not much said about him in the New Testament, as he was a humble quiet living sort of man, but according the St. john's Gospel he was the first disciple to accept the call to follow Jesus. In the New Testament we are told three things about Andrew, and each concerns our Text for November, "And he brought him to Jesus".
First, we read that he brought his brother Simon to Jesus.
Andrew's religion began at home, the most difficult place of all to talk about our religion. Because at home everyone knows us through and through—at home we are known for what we really are—the people at home know all about our faults and failings and we cannot put anything over there unless we are really genuine. It isn't difficult to talk about our religion to strangers, to people who don't know much about us. It's a different matter at home. And that was where Andrew made the first big impression—which means of course that he must have been a sincere and reliable type. After finding Jesus as his Saviour and new leader Andrew went home and told his people about the new happiness that had come to him. His big brother Simon, later called Peter. was impressed and asked if he might go with him to meet Jesus. And on meeting with Jesus Simon the wavering impulsive fisherman was told he was to have a new name, Peter, meaning rock-like character. Peter soon became the spokesman, for the Twelve. he was eloquent as a preacher. On the day of Penticost he preached a sermon that won three thousand. The early Church came to look to Peter as the head and leader. But it is well to remember that while Andrew's name does not figure much in the New Testament, that it was Andrew who brought Peter to Jesus. If no Andrew probably we would never have heard of Peter. So you see the really important people in a Church are not only those who get their names into print, or who become our acknowledged leaders. Every bit as much important are the humble faithful back-stage people like Andrew—who are responsible for finding out and influencing the potential leaders, and bringing them to the Master. Here is an example of what I mean. One of the foremost preachers of this generation, Dr. W. E. Sangster of Westminster Chapel, London, passed away in the prime of life in 1960. He ministered to a congregation of some two to three thousand in central London for over 20 years. He was a mature minister when appointed to Westminster Chapel, and he began his ministry there just as the bombs of the last war began to fall on London. During those terrible years he lived with the people in the air-raid shelters, and preached on Sundays, and travelled the country always with a message of hope and courage. He published more books than any other minister of his day, all of them still being reprinted and having a big sale. I can remember him well, as we met in Aldershot in my army days. In the pulpit he could make a congregation spell-bound with a word—and he preached the Gospel with such pleading terms that wherever he went men and women were won for faith and Christian service. But here is the interesting thing—as a young man he was won for the Master by a very ordinary simple Christian man called Frank Wimpory, who was an office-bearer in Radnor Street Methodist Church, London. Frank Wimpory was not able to do anything outstanding for the Master in the way of being a social reformer or a missionary or even a preacher—but he was able to win a young man he knew and met often—a young man called Will Sangster—just like Andrew winning Peter —in the eyes of the Master one did just as important a part as the other.
Second—Andrew brought a lad to Jesus.
It happens in the story of the-feeding of the five thousand. Jesus seeing the multitude fainting for want of nourishment said to His disciples—"Give ye them to eat". It was an impossible request there in a desert place. Then Andrew solves the problem by saying, "There is a lad here which hath five barley loaves, and two small fishes", and he brought that lad to Jesus. What exactly happened after that is best described as a miracle. I think it is more than likely that what happened was something like this. The sight of this lad giving up what was left of his lunch basket sort of shamed hundreds of people in that large gathering to do likewise. And that so much food was handed over to Jesus that after all the hungry had been fed there were twelve baskets-full left over Of course that is how God's best miracles are performed—through men and women of faith and prayer going on after praying and doing something to help God to make their prayers come true.
Andrew brought a lad to Jesus. He must have been fond of children and have been talking with this lad in the crowd to have discovered he had the loaves and fishes. And he brought him to Jesus. And what a splendid work people are doing—parents in the home—Sunday School teachers—workers in youth organisations who take every opportunity of leading the children in their care to love and know Jesus Christ. When we were admitting the eighteen first communicants to full church membership last Sunday, the thought struck me—what a splendid earnest lot they are—who has been responsible for influencing them to take this important step in life? Their parents must have played a good part. The parents are the most important people of all in this. If they go to church their children will in nine out of ten cases follow their example. And the Day and Sunday School teachers have played a really important part. Thank God for good men and women who are prepared to give up time to take a Sunday School class every week. Organisations like the Boys Brigade, Life Boys, Guides and Brownies all play a vital part—doing work like that of Andrew, who took a close interest in a lad in the crowd, and led that lad to know and love and serve the Lord Jesus.
Thirdly—Andrew brought some foreigners to Jesus.
On the week before our Lord's crucifixion Jerusalem was teeming with visitors who had come from afar to witness the annual celebration of the Jewish Passover Feast. Among them were some Greeks, probably philosophers, who heard about Jesus and wanted to see Him for themselves. During that week Jesus had withdrawn Himself from the city to the safety of the home in Bethany. So the Greeks couldn't find Him, and finding Philip—one of the disciples with a Greek name, they said, "Sir, we would see Jesus". Now Philip was in a real perplexity to know how to act. As a Jew he knew the scripture said the Messiah was come to save the House of Israel, would it be right to introduce these foreigners to Him? Wise man that Philip was, he consulted Andrew, and without hesitation Andrew took those Greeks right into the presence of Jesus and left them there. So Andrew has the credit of being the first foreign missionary, and how grandly Scotland has followed the example of the patron saint in this—sending David Livingstone and Mary Slessor to Africa—John G. Paton from Torthorwald to the cannibals in the New Hebridies—and James Chalmers from Inverary to New Guinea.
The thing I like about Andrew in this action of taking the Greeks to Jesus is his complete disregard for rules and regulations which men make, and which hamper the work of God's spirit so often. I once found myself almost in a similar situation as Andrew did when the Greeks wanted to see Jesus. It was at Sittingbourne in Kent, a few months before the D-Day landing in Normandy. At that time I was chaplain to the 1st Bn. of the Highland Light Infantry. A few young officers had asked me to prepare them for full church membership and receive them. The whole regiment paraded to the Drill Hall in Sittingbourne on a Sunday morning, led by the Regimental Band from Maryhill Barracks in Glasgow. I had arranged with Col. McLeod, the Commanding Officer, that after receiving these young officers into membership we would celebrate the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper, with officers and other chaplains serving as elders. I expected only a few would remain when I gave the word that those not communicants might leave the service. Everyone remained—and knowing that 80 per cent. were not only non-communicants but had never been in a church in their lives except when paraded in the. Army.
Making up my mind very quickly, I passed the word to those serving the elements to pass the bread and wine to every man present. It was a very peculiar sort of Service for men were talking to each other as the elements were passed round. To begin with I felt worried because it seemed all so irreverent, but after the Service, Colonel McLeod said—"Padre that was wonderful. Do you know, those men were not being irreverent but were asking each other what was the meaning of the broken bread and drinking from the cup, and getting the answer in ways they could understand." Well, within three months that regiment crossed to Normandy and in the bitter fighting very many of those men, and about half of the officers fell in the battle. And I have no regrets now that I disregarded all the Church regulations about who can be admitted to Communion, and that those men learned in this way of how Jesus gave His body to be broken and His blood to be shed on Calvary for them.
Two other points about Andrew worth remembering.
There was nothing small or petty-minded about him. After calling the Twelve, Jesus chose an inner circle of three whom He took with Him on special occasions. These were Peter, James and John. They went with Jesus up to the Mount of Transfiguration. When Jesus entered the house of Jarius to restore his little daughter to life, He took with Him these favoured few. Now this means that Andrew had been passed over. He might well have felt deeply hurt, for after all, wasn't he the first disciple to follow the Master, and hadn't he been responsible for bringing Peter. But Andrew showed no resentment. He didn't get peeved and leave off serving as so many people do. He just carried on serving faithfully, bringing people to Jesus, knowing full well that the Master knew best, and that some have to be overlooked—we cannot all be chosen for the circle.
Andrew was a man of splendid courage. According to Eusebius he went as a missionary to Scythia, and in the ancient world the Scythians were known to be more barbarous than the barbarians. Josephus says "they were little different from wild beasts." What a brave man to go among such people with the Gospel, and we are told he brought many of them to Jesus. Scythia was the country north of the Black Sea, and corresponded to pan. of modern Russia, and this is why Andrew became the patron saint of Russia.
Later Andrew served as a missionary in Achaia in Greece, and in the town of Patras he was put to death as a martyr for having converted the wife of the governor to the Christian faith. He was crucified like his Master, but asked to be crucified on the X-shaped cross, because he felt he was unworthy to die on the same kind of cross as his Lord.
We need the courage of our patron saint still in these present days. We need courage for daily living in this modern and in many ways dangerous world. And we still need courage to witness for our faith and follow the example of Andrew in seeking to bring our friends and children to know and love Jesus. We are living in an age when the masses of the people are more concerned about material things than about spiritual realities. Young people going out to college or factory, office or other places of employment often find their new friends scoff at religion. We can understand this because so many young people growing up today have never had any help or encouragement in religious training in their homes. And it takes real stamina and well-nigh the courage of a soldier on the battlefield for young men and women to keep faithful to their religious vows when they come up against nice new friends who have no use for Church or prayer or the Bible. But one thing is certain, that those, who like Andrew have the courage to remain loyal to all they believe to be true come to be respected for their stand in the end. Just as Andrew has been respected and admired by the people of Russia, Greece and Scotland down the centuries for his good brave life and witness for Jesus—so people with or without any religion respect and admire true courage wherever it is found.
I think our Harvest Services this year were a record in my ministry in Langholm in attendance, and the part played by all. Many thanks to all who so generously contributed in harvest gifts, including the children whose gifts were this year taken to Balcary, the Hawick Dr. Barnardo Home. I am asked by Miss O'Brien, Superintendent of Balcary to convey the best thanks of the large family who were the recipients of our children's gifts. The young people taking part included Joan Hyslop, John Brodie, Moira Bell, Diane Haldane, Angela Osiak, and Douglas Anderson. They did their part exceptionally well. The Cradle Roll part of the Service met with a big response of over 40 parents who attended, bringing their babies. Many thanks to Misses Jean and Lila McVittie, keepers of the Cradle Roll, for their excellent work. All babies baptised :n the Church have their names placed on the Cradle Roll, and birthday greetings are sent to arrive on the birthday for the next three years. Then the names are removed from the Roll, as at that age we expect the children to commence the Beginners Department of the Sunday School. Eight names came off this year, and one of the eight is now in attendance at the Sunday School. This leaves fifty six names on the Roll at time of the Service. I explained at this Service that children unable to attend Sunday School owing to distance or other reasons can be supplied with leaflet illustrated Lessons for the home on application to me. The Evening Service was attended by members of the Eskdale Young Farmers Club, and lessons were read by James Taylor of Englishtown, and John Beattie, Greensykes.
After the Service. the Youth Fellowship entertained the young farmers to refreshments, and a most interesting talk illustrated by coloured slides was given by Mr. Tom Coulson, assisted by Mr. Ken Taylor.
On Sunday, 25th we celebrated the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. with a total attendance of 467. Eighteen first comunicants were received into full membership at the Morning Service, and fifteen people were received by certificate and restoration. The Evening Thanksgiving Service was well attended, when the Lessons were read by Mr. John Tyman.
On Sunday, 8th November, we are to hold the British Legion Annual Remembrance Day Service at 10.45 a.m. in order to join with the whole nation in observing the Two Minutes Silence at 11 a.m. This will be preceeded by a short service at the War Memorial at 10.15 when wreaths will be laid. This year the Service will be a United Service of all the Churches except the R.C. in Langholm, and the four ministers will each take a part. The organisations including Boys Brigade and Life Boys, Guides and Brownies, Air Cadets and Red Cross are invited to join the British Legion parade assembling at the Buccleuch Square at 10 a.m. under the command of Mr. Alec Cowing. The Earl Haig Collection will be taken as last year on retiring from the Church Service, and the offering taken up in the Service will be the weekly offering of the four churches and will be divided according to F.W.O. envelopes after the Service. We hope for a record attendance this year.
The Boys' Brigade will attend the Morning Service on Sunday, 15th November for their annual Enrolment Service.
The St. Andrew's Youth Service will be at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 29th November, when we hope to have the Longtown youth joining with our Youth Fellowship in leading the Service.
We have all been saddened by the news of the sudden passing away of Mrs. Jane Grant, 35 Caroline Street. Mrs. Grant made a wonderful recovery after her last illness and had within the past two weeks been able to attend two delightful weddings of her grandchildren. She was very much loved by all who knew her, and when she was able was one of the most faithful worshippers in our Church. We offer to her family our deepest sympathy.
With warm greetings to all our people.
Yours sincerely,
TOM CALVERT, Minister.
At our last Communion on Sunday, 25th October the following were received into membership.
First Communicants: Irene Mary Armstrong, 10 Eskdaill Street Sandra Ann Armstrong, 10 Eskdaill Street; Kathleen Szymkowiak, 2 Walter Street; Helen Margaret Smith, 44 High Street; Margaret Potts Gordon, 12 Holmwood Crescent; Avril Margaret Smith, 7 Holmwood Crescent; Irene Winifred Currie, 120 Station Buildings; William Nicol Currie, 120 Station Buildings. James Downie Cairns, 13 Eskdaill Street; Brian Leslie Porteous, 7 Holmwood Gardens;. William Thomas Scott, 9 Eskdaill Street; John Lodge Davidson, 62 Caroline Street; John Campbell Little, 14 Buccleuch Square; Robert Elliot Borthwick, 18 Henry Street; John Irving Hotson, 2 Walter Street; Ian Scott Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace; Cyril Johnstone, 8 Holmwood. Crescent; John Bell Graham, Wataman, Canonbie.
By Certificate or Restoration: Albert Rae Wright, Tinnishall Cottage, Canonbie, from Waterbeck; Mrs. Mary Wright, Tinnishall Cottage, Canonbie, from Waterbeck; Miss Anne Gilbertson, 66 Caroline Street, from Lochmaben; Miss Elizabeth Carmichael, 73 Caroline Street, from Canonbie U.F.; Mrs. Carmichael, 73 Caroline Street, from Canonbie U.F.; Mrs Ruth Ross, 36 Henry Street, from Canonbie Parish Church; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coulson, 29 Henry Street, from St. Andrew's, Nottingham; Mrs. Margaret Pool, Kirkwynd, from Falkirk; Mrs. Jane Pool, 28 High Street; Mrs. Cow, 31 Charles Street (New); Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Currie, Holmhead, from Newcastleton; Mrs. Sheila Calvert, 12. Charlotte Street, from Langholm Congregational.
Collections for October, 1964
F.W.O.: £151 1 0 Ordinary: £57 3 4
By Deed of Covenant: £5 0 0
Annual Envelope; £61 6 6
Donations: £12 0 0
Collecting Boxes: £10 3 2
Retiring Collection, Benevolent Fund: £18 7 3
Church Collection Boxes: Would members holding Collection Boxes please hand in same either to Church Treasurer, or District Elder for emptying and return.
November 8—10.45 a.m. United Remembrance Day Service. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Archie Smith, 7 Holm-wood Crescent.
November 15—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wm. Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace. Boys' Brigade Enrolment at Morning Service; also Baptism.
November 22—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. William Elack, 35a Eskdaill Street.
November 29—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Mary Dalgliesh, 13 David Street. Evening Service led by Youth Fellowship being the St. Andrew Youth Service.
December 6—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wood, Potholm.
October 8—Shirley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Henderson, Irvine House Lodge.
October 10—At St. John's on the Hill R. C. Church, Langholm, Maurice Steele, 32 Dukeswood Road, Longtown, to Mary Charlotte Beverley, Inveresk
October 14—At St. Barnabas Church, Carlisle, William Gibson Smith, 28 Caroline Street, to Doreen Nicholson, 174 Orton Road, Carlisle.
October 28—Funeral of Mrs. Jane Grant, 35 Caroline Street. Aged 69. "Because I live, ye shall live also." John 14. 19,
The Guild began its new session on Tuesday. 13th October, when the Annual Business Meeting was held. Office-bearers and Committee were appointed. The treasurer, Mrs. Jean Goodfellow, gave he: report which is printed below. This shows that the total cost of the lowered ceiling of the Church Hall. £180 was met by the Guild. It further shows that new folding chairs for the hall have been purchased by the Guild at a cost of £20, and that the Guild contributed £40 towards hall running expenses and a further contribution of £200 to the Church Treasurer for the co-ordinated appeal fund of Assembly. In thanking the Guild for their continued and increasingly generous support of the Church, Mr. Calvert said that the comfort and general improvement of the hall was a credit to the Women's Guild, and that the lowered ceiling would not have been in its position today but for the Guild's efforts and generosity.
After the business meeting the Guild enjoyed a delightful programme of coloured slides produced by Matt Ewart and commented upon by Rob Borthwick. Some of the slides on local scenes were of rare interest, depicting Langholm As It Was. A warm vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Anderson.
The Guild meeting on 27th October enjoyed a very fine programme of coloured slides given by Mrs.M. S. Paterson, Terrona Cottage, and Mr. David Murray. A vote of thanks was given by Miss Ella Glendinning.
The next meeting of the Guild will be on 10th November when we will have the Erskine Guild as guests. The programme will be a film and talk on Palestine by Mr. and Mrs. Tinniswood, Dalston. and the Newtown Melody Four, a singing quartette from Carlisle, singing some of the old evangelical songs and Negro spirituals. Guild members are asked to assist in sending cakes, etc., for the tea. There will be a bring and buy table at this and all future meetings to assist in keeping up the Guild funds.