Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
N0. 4. NOVEMBER, 1960.
Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings
Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Motto for November—"A cheerful man is a public benefactor, he is better than a five pound note, and his entrance into a room is as if another candle had been lighted.” R.L.S.
My Dear Friends,
In the first issue of the Parish Magazine in August, I invited members and friends of the Old Church to send in photos of the Church with the view of one of them being chosen for production of a block for the front page of the Magazine. I now wish to warmly thank all who kindly responded to this appeal, and to intimate that the one chosen was taken by Mr. David Murray, 39 Eskdaill Street. I would also like to congratulate Mr. Murray on the production of a most pleasing photo of our Church, and to thank him for his patience and kindness in getting us the photo from this particular angle. It was taken from the footbridge in the early light of the morning. I am not sure whether the printers will be able to produce the block for this issue, but if not it will appear on the December copy.
October Communion
You will all readily understand the sense of satisfaction and real happiness I found in conducting the October Communion Services. The admission of 43 first communicants at the commencement of the Morning Service was the largest number that I have ever been privileged to receive at any one time, with the exception of one occasion when serving as a Chaplain in Aldershot. I recall during the war years once having over 70 young soldiers to admit to full membership at one time, but of course they came from various parishes all over Scotland, and had been brought in to the Garrison Church by the Chaplains of various training establishments. We warmly welcome the 43 first communicants to our membership, and trust they will be faithful to the vows they undertook, to take their due share in the worship, ser-vice and support of our Church. I would like here to say how very much I appreciate the friendship and support of our young people, and I look for ward to the day when we may see many of them serving as office-bearers and leaders in the work of the Old Church. The total attendance at Communion for the two Services was 495, and 7 received Communion in their homes on the following day, making the total number for the October Communion to be 502. We often hear people talking about how strong and wonderful the Church used to be in days long past, and I suppose that in many ways this was true. But it is heartening to realise that we can match the achievements of the past with what happens today. I have been looking through some of the quarterly Supplements of the late Revered Revd. James Buchanan. At the opening of the New Mission Church Hall in December 1881 Mr. Buchanan quoted some statistics which included the following: "The attendance at Communion was, in June 1878, 290; in December 1878, 256; in May 1881, 449; in November 1881, 421". Later in the Supplement for 1896 the figures quoted are "number actually present at the May Communion 486, and at the November Communion 499". This makes it clear that the Langholm Old Church has not lost anything in the strength of its allegiance of sixty years ago, and it is a good thing to know this and talk about it in days when so many people have the idea that the Church is not what it once was. And this leads me to express my considered belief that the Church is a stronger force in the land today than it was at the beginning of the present century, not simply because statistics compare favourably, but because few people go to Church or Communion today because they must but out of desire. I would like to thank the Elders for the reverent part they played in the distribution of the Communion elements, and the wives of the Elders for their services in the care of the Communion plate and cups.
Special Services in November and December
On Sunday, 20th November the Boys’ Brigade Enrolment Service will be as part of our Morning Service, when new members of the BB will be duly enrolled.
On Sunday, 27th November, which is the nearest Sunday to St. Andrew’s Day, the Services morning and evening will be appropriate to St. Andrew’s Day. St. Andrew, the Patron Saint of Scotland, is remembered as the first disciple called by Jesus. He is also remembered because he brought his brother Peter to Jesus, and brought the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus. I appeal to all our people to make it a point of being in Church at least once on this Sunday when we remember the message of St. Andrew our Patron Saint. At the Evening Service the Youth Fellowship are asked to take a leading part in the conducting of the Service.
It might be helpful if I forecast our special Services in December, to help in keeping dates clear. On Sunday, 18th December the Evening Service will be led by the children of the Sunday School, when they will enact the story of "How Love Looked Down" on the first Christmas. At the commencement of the Service the children are invited to bring gifts or toys which will be sent to children in Homes or Hospitals at Christmas. Then on Saturday 24th December, Christmas Eve, the Youth Fellowship will lead a Candlelight Service of Nine Lessons and Carols, commencing at 11 p.m., and ending at midnight. Then the Services on Christmas Day will be the usual times, 11.45 a.m and 6 p.m
Youth Fellowship
The Youth Fellowship, meeting on Sunday evenings at 7.30 p.m. is a very happy organisation. The attendance is steadily increasing, and we have plans for more adventurous programmes in the coming months. The intention to entertain a visit of the Blackburn Youth Club in November is postponed until next Spring when weather conditions should be more favourable to so long a journey. A warm welcome awaits the young people of our Church, and their friends, every Sunday evening at the Youth Fellowship. The object of all the meetings is "friendship in the service of the Church".
Again I would like to thank the Elders for their kindness to me in conducting me round their respective districts, and to thank our people for the cordial welcome we receive in your homes. In the present week I am visiting in District No. 11 with the Elder Mr. J. Mclntosh. On the week commencing 14th November will be visiting with Mr.James Maxwell; and on the week commencing, 2lst November with Mr. James Pattie. Intimation will be given from the pulpit each week on the particular nights of visitation. I hope to be able to complete the first visitation by the middle of December.
Items of News of Special Interest
It will interest many of our people to know that the Roberton vacancy has been filled by the terminable appointment of the Revd. Samuel Weir, M.A. He was ordained to the charge by the Presbytery of Hawick on 2lst October. Mr. Weir comes to the ministry of our Church after serving full time as a schoolmaster in Glasgow. For most of his life he has been a devoted Church worker and Elder. We congratulate Roberton upon the happy choice of a man of such wide experience and gifts. My previous charge, St. George’s Blackburn, has elected the Revd. Tom Morrison, M.A., Rosebank Church, Nairn, as my successor. Mr Morrison began his ministry in Dumfries Presbytery, after serving during the war in the Royal Corps of Signals. He first visited Blackburn in l959 when we exchanged Manses and pulpits in the month of August of that year.
Passing of Mr. John Young, Elder.
Just after the last Parish Magazine had gone to print, we suffered the very sudden and saddening loss of our beloved Elder, Mr. John Young. I say this with very deep feeling, as MrYoung was a very good friend to my family and myself after our settlement in Langholm. Together with Mr. Johnstone and Mr. Maxwell he was frequently up at the Manse, working hard to improve the premises and clear off much of the overgrowth in the grounds. And as most of our people know, he actually passed away while engaged in this work which he had found such delight in doing. I got to know him as a man who was jealous for the strength and happiness of the Old Church, where he was a regular worshipper and devoted Elder. Every Session Meeting was brightened by his quiet and kindly humour, and he was always ready to take on more than his fair share of duties. I cannot recall ever meeting him within the past three months when he didn’t have some word of appreciation and encouragement. I know that the people of his District as an Elder, and many people in the Langholm community are missing his genial presence very much. He lived to the grand age of 79 and passed away from us in the way I am sure he would have chosen, in harness and doing some good work for the good of his Church. The Kirk Session has recorded a warm tribute to his memory, and we all join in sincere sympathy with his relatives, and in particular with Mr. and Mrs Telford who made him so comfortable and happy in their home.
With warm greetings to all our people.
TOM CALVERT, Minister.
New members received at October Communion
First Communicants
- Ann Dunn, 6 Buccleuch Crescent.
- Janette Kay, 22 Caroline Street.
- Wilma Nixon, Pathhead.
- Joyce Steel, 18 Charles Street New.
- Elinor Johnstone, 16 West Street.
- Margaret Bennett, lnveresk.
- Margaret Johnstone Jeffrey, 95 High Street
- Annette Sansone, 61 Eskdaill Street.
- Violet Steel, 18 Charles Street New.
- Helen Herbertson Storey, 10 John Street.
- Ethel McCrindle, Scotsholm, Rosevale Street.
- Mary Bell, 21 Eskdaill Street.
- Johannah Herbertson Storey, 10 John Street.
- Elizabeth Storey, 10 John Street.
- Annie Scott Graham, 17 Holmwood Drive.
- Dorothy Isobel Graham, Wauchope Schoolhouse.
- Janet Ballantyne Grieve Hotson, 12 Holmwood Gardens.
- Sheila C. Wood, National Bank House.
- William McMillan Hotson, 2 West Street
- George Hay Sadler, 11 Eskdale Place.
- Ronald Hudson, 5 Henry Street.
- Jackie Nixon, Pathhead.
- Robert Colin Milligan, 5 Buccleuch Sq.
- Jim Oliver Barker, 41 Eskdaill Street.
- Douglas Miles MacMillan, Holmhead.
- John Scott, 14 Henry Street.
- William Laidlaw, 17 Holmwood Crescent.
- John James Irving Nixon, Cooms, Tarras.
- William Storey, 10 John Street.
- William Riddell Grieve, Lodge Bungalow.
- Elliot Anderson Bell, 21 Eskdaill Street.
- Hotson, 12 Holmwood Gardens.
- Robert John Reid, 14 Holmwood Crescent.
- Thomas Beattie, Middleholm.
- Moreen Hyslop, Clolyn Cottage, Westwater.
- John Nelson Hall, Westwater Cottage.
- Arthur E. Bell, Kilncroft, St. Thorwalds.
- Christine Johnstone Hall, Westwater Cottage.
- Michael Bell, Clint Head.
- Barbara Bell, Clint Head.
- Herbert Telford, Balgownie.
By certificate of transfer
- Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Wood, National Bank House, from Thurso West.
- Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Campbell, Larchfield, Buccleuch Sq., from Canonbie Parish.
- Miss Lesley B. Sim, C/0 60 Holmwood Drive, from Drumblade Parish.
- Mrs. Burnet, 126 High Street, from Traquair, Innerleithen.
Langholm Old Parish Church Woman's Guild
During the month of October, there were two Guild meetings, which were both very well attended, and it was encouraging to see so many new members present.
At the Business meeting on October 11th, Mr. Calvert took the chair, and after the Secretary and Treasurer reading their reports, the following office bearers were elected for the 1960-1961 session:—
President, Mrs. Calvert; Vice-President, Mrs. Neill; Secretary, Miss E. Glendinning and Treasurer, Mrs. Goodfellow; Committee—Mrs. Bell, Mrs. Black, Mrs. Calvert, Mrs. Dalziel, Mrs. Donaldson, Mrs. Hosie, Mrs. Little, Mrs. McVittie, Mrs. J. Morrison, Mrs. W. Morrison and Miss B. Plenderleith. Mrs. Neill, who had attended the Mass meeting of Woman’s Guilds in the Usher Hall during Assembly week, gave a full and interesting report of her visit there.
On October 22nd, Mrs.Armstrong, Brieryhill. Ewes, gave a most enjoyable account and showed coloured films covering her recent visit to Israel. It was decided not to have the Old Folks’ Night on Tuesday, 8th November, but to have a Guest Night instead. It is hoped that each Guild Member will bring along a guest, not necessarily a Church Member, but someone who does not often get the opportunity of going out. An entertainment has been arranged, and of course tea will be served as usual.
Ewes Guild have kindly invited the ladies of Langholm Old to their meeting on Thursday, 10th November, when the speaker will be Mrs. Wyllie, of the Annandale Presbyterial Council. Buses will leave David Street at 7.15 prompt.
On Tuesday, November 22nd, the ladies of the E.U. Guild will be the guests of Langholm Old, and on this occasion, it is expected to have Miss Violet Willis, a well known singer in the South West. Miss Willis is a talented and gifted musician, and her singing is a great joy to hear.
Boys' Brigade
The Company is now well under way with the new session and already the Wayfaring and Signalling classes have started. A number of boys are practising hard with chanters. and drumsticks, so very soon the 1st Langholm Boys’ Brigade will have their own pipe band. On Sunday, October 23rd the Company joined in the Founders Day parade to the Old Parish Church, Hawick. Nearly 600 officers and boys from all over the Borders attended the Service. The Tyman Squad monthly medal was won by the second squad, led by Cpl. Jim Barker.
Church Calendar
20th 11.45ja.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Boy’s Brigade Enrolment at Morning Service. Flowers, Mrs. McMillan.
27th St Andrew’s Sunday. 11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m, Revd. Tom Calvert. Youth Fellowship leading Evening Service. Flowers. ‘Mrs. R. A. Black
4th—First Sunday in Advent. 11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Miss Dalgliesh.
11th—11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Goodfellow.
18th—11.45 a.m, and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Jeffrey. Evening Service led by Sunday School children, enacting "When love came down". Children invited to bring Christmas gifts.
24th—Christmas Eve. 11 pm. Candlelight Nine Lessons and Carol Service, led by Youth Fellowship.
25th—Christmas Day. 11.45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd Tom Calvert. Flowers, Women's Guild.
23rd—Kim Lilian Rodgers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Rodgers, 2l Charlotte Street.
23rd—Fiona Donaldson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Donaldson, 44 West Street.
27th—Rhona Jane Richardson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Richardson, 42 Holmwood Drive.
28th—(in the Old Church)—David Alexander Murray, of 42 Dukeswood Road, Longtown to Helen Steel, 17 West Street.
5th—Miss Jessie Henderson Armstrong, age 75, at Canonbie.
6th—John Young, age 79, at Langholm. "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith". 2 Timothy 4,, 7.