Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
LANGHOLM OLD PARISH CHURCHFounded 1703, present Church built 1846
N0. 11. JUNE, 1961.
Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings
Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Motto Text for June—"Blessed is the man . . who passing through the valley of Baca make it a well". Psalm 84.
Letter from the Minister
My Dear Friends,
I have chosen as our Motto Text for June the words of the text of my sermon last Sunday evening. These words remind us that we are in this world to do something to help our fellow travellers. They also remind us how much we owe to others whose efforts and sacrifices have made the way of life healthier and safer for us. The correct rendering of this word "Baca" is "weeping and lamentation". The man depicted in our text had evidently passed through a gruesome experience, through a trackless, waterless valley. And in doing so he had made the place less hazardous for others who were to pass that way. He dug a well in a soul destroying desert which became a source of life and refreshment to many a fellow-traveller. On Sunday evening I referred to Sir Arthur Pierson who did something like this with his life. After losing his eyesight and after realising it was lost for life, he set to work to write his great book, Victory over Blindness, a book which has brought new hope to thousands, and he went on to give himself heart and soul to the work of St. Dunstans. We can all do something like that with our lives. lf we can live with a great faith in God, with the high confidence that our lives belong to Him and have a purpose. Then other people will catch from us something of our faith and hope and be refreshed as a weary thirsty traveller is refreshed at a well. It is the same thing with men and women who cultivate and maintain a cheerful outlook in life. They infect other people and send them on their way with more sprightly step. That is what Stevenson means when he says in one of his essays that "a cheerful man is a public benefactor, he is better than a five pound note, and his entrance into a room is as if another candle had been lighted".
Earlier Morning Service
The most important news in my letter this month is concerning the change of time of the Morning Service. I explained in my last letter that this proposal had been discussed by the Kirk Session and that the members were unanimous in the view that it would be for the good of our Church. Since then members of the Kirk session have had opportunity of hearing the views of members of the congregation, and at a meeting on Thursday, Sth June it was resolved that as there was no strong reason put forward by any member against the change of time of Morning Divine Worship, the time of the Morning Service commencing on Sunday, 2nd July will be 11 a.m. and that the other Churches in Langholm would be informed of the decision. We hope that this will meet with the full support of all our people, and that it will lead to an increased attendance at our Sunday Services. The arrangement for the children will be unchanged. They are asked to meet with the Morning Service at 11 a.m. and leave for Sunday School classes after the children’s talk and hymn. lt is my intention throughout the Summer months to keep the Morning Service one hour, so that people who have little time to spare during the week and who wish to go out of town on a Sunday will know that after having paid their weekly vows unto the Lord they are able to use the Sunday after 12 noon in this way.
Sunday School Outing
The Sunday School outing is on Saturday, 24th June to Gatehouse and Mossyard, Kirkcudbrightshire. The coaches will leave Langholm at 9 a.m. with a stop on the way. On arrival we will have our first meal in the Rutherford Memorial Hall, Gatehouse. Thereafter we will proceed to Mossyard farm where with the kind approval of Mr. and Mrs. McConchie we will park the coaches and occupy the delightful and sheltered sandy bay. There we hope to have competitive games, and if the weather is favourable the second meal on the sea front. The party will leave Gatehouse at 5 p.m. on the return journey. Already we have some eighty names of children attending. and if the number increases in the meantime, we will arrange for an additional coach. Application for attending should be made to Miss Dalgliesh, the Sunday School Secretary, or to any of the teachers. No charge is being made to the children this year either for travel or meals. The children are required to bring a mug or cup for meals. The coaches will leave from David Street, and proceed via the Lockerbie road
Sunday School Children’s Flower Service
The annual Flower Service will be at 6 p.m. on Sunday, 25th June when the children will process into Church with flowers. These will be received and laid on tables in the front of the Church and later given to the sick and aged. The lessons will be read by the children, and they will also sing appropriate hymns. This Service will mark the close of the present Sunday School session. The new session will commence on the first Sunday of September. During the months of July and August we will be glad to see the children attending the Morning Service, and after the second hymn they will be given opportunity to leave for home.
Children’ Outing to Langholm from Carlisle
The Harraby Methodist Church Sunday School is to hold the annual Sunday School outing to Langholm on Saturday, 24th June. We are giving them the use of the Old Parish Hall where they will have meals. We hope they will have favourable weather and enjoy a very happy visit to Langholm.
Faith Mission Evangelists to Visit Langholm
The Kirk session has agreed to grant the use of the Old Parish Hall to three young evangelists who are coming on a visit to Langholm and district from July 1st to 21 st. They come under the auspices of the Faith Mission, and I understand they have made previous visits to Langholm. They commence on Saturday, 1st July, when at 3-30 p.m. a conference will be held to be attended by members of the Dumfriesshire Christian Union and the Faith Mission. The Faith Mission which uses both men and women evangelists was instituted by the late J. G. Govan in 1886 for the purpose of conducting evangelistic work in country districts.
The General Assembly
As I was not a member of the General Assembly this year I am not able to give any first hand information of the meetings and discussions. Mrs. Hosie and her daughter Joan attended the Womens Meetings in the Usher Hall on the Women’s Guild Day; and my wife accompanied by Mrs. Glover attended the Foreign Mission Day. I managed, as car driver for my wife and Mrs. Glover, to have an hour at the Assembly when the report on Church Deaconesses was being given by Revd. Dr. Roy Saunderson. It was an impressive report on the work done by some 90 women who make up the Church of Scotland Order of Deaconesses. These ladies are trained in the University and in St. Colm's College, Edinburgh, in much the same way as ministers are trained. Many of them are working in parishes engaged in evangelistic, educational and social work. Some by the authority of the General Assembly have been licensed to Preach the Word, and it is acknowledged that valuable work is being done by Deaconesses in town parishes and in Church Extension charges. Before leaving the Assembly, the Report on Preparation for the Ministry was given by the Revd. Dr. John Kennedy. His report reminded the Assembly of the shortage of candidates for the ministry, and how this was making it more and more necessary to unite parishes owing to the shortage of ministerial man-power. Owing to the shortage of young men coming forward to take the Regular Course (three years in Arts and three in Divinity), Dr. Kennedy said his Committee proposed to give special consideration to the revision of the conditions for entering upon the Modified Course available to men over 25 years of age. My own impression is that there are a number of first rate young men in our Churches who could be encouraged to enter the ministry, if only we could get them to realise that they are wanted, and that there is a really worth while job to be done. In the coming years I would like to see some of the splendid young men of the Langholm Old Parish offering themselves for the ministry of our Church. And may I add, there is room for young women both on the Mission Field, and in the Order of Deaconesses which includes work with the Youth Committee in Club and Fellowship leadership.
I have recently received a copy of a booklet "Communion Tokens", carefully written by a young Langholm man now living in Texas. I mentioned in a previous letter our pleasure in hearing of the progress of James Andrew Beverley B.A., who is shortly to graduate in Divinity in the Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary, Austin Texas. He has done a fine job of research in the study of the use and variety of Communion Tokens I am sure his mother, Mrs. Beverley, 39 Henry Street, Langholm, must feel very proud of James in his achievement. We send James our best wishes and greetings. ` The next issue of the Parish Magazine will include July and August covering the period when there will be few activities apart from our regular Sunday worship. In August we will be holding United Services with Erskine Church as in previous years.
Warm regards to all our people.
Yours sincerely, Tom Calvert, Minister.
Langholm Old Parish Church Woman’s Guild
Whilst there are no meetings being held during the Summer, it does not mean that the Woman's Guild is completely dormant!
Arrangements are being made to get an interesting and varied programme drawn up for the winter months. Our Secretary reports that the Gretna Choral Society will be giving a concert in the Church on October 24th, and Miss Violet Willis has kindly agreed to come and give a "Gilbert and Sullivan" evening on March 20th. These two items will appeal to all music lovers in the district, and whilst the dates are subject to confirmation, special note should be made.
Church Calendar
l8th—11-45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. David Hendrie, Cleuchfoot.
25th—11-45 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. James Pattie, The Schoolhouse. Evening Service, Children's Annual Flower Service.
2nd—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. L. Ewart, Parliament Square.
9th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Jean Goodfellow, 8 Buccleuch Street.
Sunday Duties for Elders and Youth Fellowship
18th—Morning—R. K. Neill, W. Smith, R. T. Robertson, R. Douglas, A. Smith, J. Tyman Evening—M. Douglas, J. W. Wood, Youth Fellowship, William Barbour, Michael Kyle Vivien Hawthom, Brenda Morrison.
25th—Morning—H. Hosie, L. Ewart, C. Constable, J. Pattie, J. Maxwell, J. Macintosh. Evening—R. K. Neill, W. Smith, Youth Fellowship, Jackie Nixon, John Scott, Irene Jones, Lesley Sim.
2nd—Morning—A. Smith,, M. Douglas, D. Hendrie, R. N. B. Noble, J. W. Wood, R. K. Neill. Evening—]. Maxwell, C. Constable, Youth Fellowship, Billy Laidlaw, Raymond Smith, Helen Telfer, Joan Modlin.
9th—Morning—H. Hosie, R. Douglas, D. Anderson, R. A. Black, W. Smith, R. T. Robertg son. Evening—A. Smith, J. Tyman, Youth Fellowship, Margaret Murray, Cynthia Hagan, Douglas Little, John Corrie.
28th—Derek Milligan, son of Mr.,and Mrs. William Grieve, 6 Walter Street.
5th—Mrs. Agnes Reid Johnstone, age 85. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Yes saith the Spirit, they rest from their labours; and their worksydo follow them." Rev. 14. 13.
Red Cross Open Meeting in Buccleuch Hall
Brigadier Russell Morgan, Civil Defence Officer for the country, is coming to Langholm to show a film on Civil Defence in the Buccleuch Hall on Thursday, 15th June at 8 p.m. The film is of special interest to all apart from those interested in Civil Defence, and Mrs. Douglas Brisbane-Jones-Stamp, the Vice-President and Commandant extends a warm invitation to members and friends of the Old Parish. After the film Brigadier Morgan will answer questions and give a short talk.