Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine

N0.76                       Price 1/2 - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY                       JULY 1967.

Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.

Session Clerk: Alexander Hutton, Savings Bank, Market Place, Langholm

Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255

Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.

Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.

Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.

Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.

Text for July/August, “Thou hast made summer and winter”. Psalm 74. 17.

We can have no difficulty in accepting the claim that God made summer. Summer with blooming gardens and hedgerows makes us think of God, and feel He is very near to us. “With the kiss of the sun for pardon, and the song of the bird for mirth, we are nearer God’s heart in a garden, than anywhere else on earth”. “Not God in a garden when the sky is blue, Nay, but I have a sign, tis very sure He walks in mine.” On a summer day when the sun is bright and Warm we have little difficulty in believing in a gracious and loving Creator, but our text goes on to add winter to God’s handiwork. “Thou hast made summer and winter”. And of course it is not so easy to believe that the Divine -hand played a part in creat- ing winter frosts and biting winds. But this is the claim of the ancient Psalmist. “Thou hast made summer and winter”.

Yet without winter we could have no summer.

Winter frosts and storms, rain and snow are needed in order that the earth can yield its increase. In Egypt, apart from little patches irrigated by man, it has needed the storms and rains in the African Highlands to make the Nile overflow its banks before there could be a harvest. Otherwise it would be a year of famine such as we read about in Bible days. “All sunshine”, says the Arabs, “makes Sahara”.

And of course we could never appreciate the glory of a summer day if we had notfirst experienced the contra-st of winter, just as you never fully appreciate good health until you are faced with prolonged illness and declining health. A few years ago Dr. Leslie Tizard, a Congregational minister in Birmingham, in the prime of his life suddenly felt will and consulted his doctor. He was sent to a specialist and was told that he had a disease so far developed that his expectation of life could be no more than three months. His wife has told how the first thing they did was to go for a short holiday at T orquay, and she tells how as the train moved out of the station in Birmingham, Leslie, who previously would have set to work on the journey, reading or Writing in preparation for some appointment, now sat with a book unopened on his knee, looking out of the carriage window on the lovely English countryside. It was as though he had never seen it before, seemed so grand and wonderful, now he realised he was soon to see it no more. Yes, it takes winter to give us eyes to see and hearts to appreciate the glory of summer.

And it is evident that if there was no winter we would soon lose those moral and mental and physical qualities that are developed within us as we struggle with opposing forces. It is to a large degree a harsh climate that makes the people of our hemisphere inventive, active and alert. Lands of tropical climate have rarely cradled a strong progressive race. Countries where the will is most developed, where the moral life is most vigorous and strong, are the countries that have a winter in their year. Yes and winter experiences do something for our character that nothing else could produce. If all life was like a summer day, without those troubles and sorrows and bitter experiences we all dread, life would become a self-centred pointless existence. As an ancient writer has put it, “to have suffered much is like learning many languages, it enables us to understand all and make ourselves intelligible to all”. Or as another writer has put it, “without pain there would be no pity. If suffering and sorrow could be banished from a world like this, every form of sympathetic service would perish from among the sons of men, and in the lotus-laden atmosphere of selfish luxury love itself would die.”

The glory of summer is that it is the goal of the year.

Summer is the end to which all the toil of winter and spring has been directed. Summer is the destiny of the year, the time when we have achieved our aims and found reward for our labours. Young people toil for education, the craftsman toils to master his craft, all with summer in view, the day when he will have achieved his aim. Therefore summer gives a spur and purpose to living. Bonar Law as a boy in Glasgow listened to a famous politician speaking in St. Andrew’s Hall, and vowed “I will one day occupy that man’s place”. The prospect of one day being a Member of Parliament and a Member of the Cabinet was the summer that gave him inspiration to toil and climb the ladder to the fame he was later to realise. Without summer to look forward to, young people never get far in life. It is the goal of all hard toil and effort.

And We need to keep a summer in mind in our Church life and Work. Iespus gave His Church a summer goal when He taught Hisi disciples to pray, “Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven”. I find we are happiest in Church life when we are striving to achieve some clear object.

And summer is not only the goal of the year, it speaks to us of God’s intention and man's right to joy.

Summer reminds us that God intends us to be is happy people. The British people have a wonderrful knack of being happy in winter. in the "worst days of the war the sense of humour of our people was at its best. But for those who find little happiness in Winter, summer comes to relieve our gloom.

And summer is not only the goal of the year, it speaks to us of God’s intention and man's right to joy.

Summer reminds us that God intends us to be is happy people. The British people have a wonderrful knack of being happy in winter. in the "worst days of the war the sense of humour of our people was at its best. But for those who find little happiness in Winter, summer comes to relieve our gloom.

But what are we to say when summer fails or is cut short?

I can remember summers when the rain never stopped, and the storms ruined the crops and all holiday joys. And some people’s lives are like that. They have fallen into affliction and have nothing else to look forward to but sickness. Others have been saddened by misfortune and their best hopes did not come true. Others have found their summer cut short, or their summer was so near but never really came for them. I can think of young men in our own community of Langholm during my ministry here, who were almost entering summer in their career, but were cut short just on its borderland. Here is an example of what I mean, taken from the last century. Thomas Arnold, the famous Public School Master of Rugby had this experience. He toiled for years for an opportunity for wider service than the public school offered him. The summer of his life was on the very brink in 1841 when he was appointed Regius Professor of Modern History at Oxford. He was 46 years of age. Seven months after he delivered his inaugural lecture he died. The circumstances of his passing are painful reading. It was the end of the term at Rugby, and the five children had been sent to Fox How in the Lake District, to await the coming of father, and begin a long anticipated holiday together. It was actually on their Daddy’s birthday, and he was to arrive that very day with mother. The children had made great preparations to welcome Daddy on his birthday, and in celebrating the fact that the summer day of his life had arrived in his appointment to Oxford, for he had realised his life ambition. But that day Daddy didn’t come, instead Arthur Stanley came with bowed head and broken voice to tell them Daddy would never come to Fox How again, and on that very same day he took them home to Rugby to see their father’s face in death. Summer had come and gone again all too soon. Yes and life is like that for more people than I can number. And it is a good thing for us all to remember that summer at its best passes away quickly, and we should spoil none of its hours scowling or sulking or resenting. And of course this reminds us of the need to live for more than earth’s summer, not only for worldly advancement and glory, to give God a place in our reckoning, and then when summer fails or is cut short we will have something solid to hold on to.

A word about God’s promised perfect summer.

I remember as a boy, once listening to the Carlisle Railway Mission Quartette singing a song about “That happy summer land". As far as I can remember one verse went like this,

“In that happy summer land up yonder, Where the angels ever sing,

Hallelujahs to the Saviour, loud hosannas to the King,

We are marching straight to jesus, there to join that randsomed band;

Through a World of sin and sorrow, To that happy summer land."

Now I know that the moderns of today would. be very critical about the language of a song like that. "The suggestion of a happy summer land up yonder makes little sense to people living in an “outer space age”, nor does the idea of singing angels. But the theme of the song is right, and it has the support of the Bible and of our Lord Himself to the reality of that hope. Jesus says that beyond this world is the Fathers House, in which there are many abiding places. And St. John in the Book of Revelation speaks about it, using the language of earth to describe the wonders of God's abiding city, with its tree of life yielding all manner of fruits every month. A place of perfect and abiding surnmer.

Yes, surnmer time should remind us of God's promised and perfect summer which lies before us, a hope which has its foundation in the message of Easter, and which inspired the lives of the best men and women in every age. I have often before quoted the words of Sir William Mulock, a former Chief Justice of Canada. Speaking at a banquet given in his honour upon his ninetieth birthday, this grand old man who had spent his life in the service of truth, used words which thrilled the Whole Christian world. “I am still". he said, “at work and my face to the future. The shadows of evening lengthen about me but morning is in my heart. I have lived from the forties of one century to the thirties of the next. And the testimony I bear is this: that the castle of enchantment is not yet behind me, it is before me still, and daily I catch glimpses of its battlements and towers. The best of life is further on. hidden from our eyes beyond the hills of time.”


Dear Fellow Member,

This parish magazine comes out just as the Langholm holidays commence, and I hope yon will all have good weather, safe trtavelling, and a refreshing and memorable holiday.

Boys’ Brigade Camp,

The Boys’ Brigade proceed to Borgue for their annual camp on Saturday, 1st July, and there are arrangements for parents and friends visiting the camp on Wednesday, 5th July. We congratulate Jim Kyle, the Captain, and his officers on the organisation of a camp this year, and trust they will enjoy good weather and a very happy week.

Hawick Presbytery meets in Oid Parish Hall

The Hawick Presbytery this year held it's June meeting in the Old Parish Hall on Wednesday, 28th June. I wish to express very best thanks to the Guild Committee for provision of refreshments. This is one of the happiest Presbytery meetings of the year, chiefly because it is the only one when refreshments are provided, and also because it is held in our attractive Langholm in the summer season.

Greenbank Eventide Home

We are glad to see the work of converting Greenbank into an Eventide Home has now commenced, and we look forward to its completion when a number of Langholm people will make their home there. As far as I can see we could fill it to capacity from applications for admission I have already forwarded and have now in hand.

The local financial support has been really amaz- ing. The effort of the Langholm Academy pupils from their mile of pennies and the Sale of Work, has I understand realised over £550. Warm congratulations and praise to all who took part in organising the effort.

The Over 60 Club has played a splendid part, with the Macnamillan Band under the leadership of Tommy Beattie, son-in-law of Mrs. Flint, Club Hostess. The collection round the streets, in the hotels and British Legion Club, helped by a number of ladies, and by the Langholm Pipe Band, realised £64 Os 9d. And I understand some of the members of the Over 60 Club have collection boxes for the Greenbank Fund.

Minister for Langholm Congregational Church

I understand that the Congregational Church in Langholm is calling the Rev. Dr. Harry Escott as successor to the Rev. Beatrice Bonnar, and that he will be inducted in September. This is a very fortunate choice of a man of wide experience. I remember Harry Escott as an Arts student in Edinburgh University, and 1ook forward to having him as a colleague in Langholm.

Proposed Visit of Guild to Carberry Tower

In last month’s letter I made the suggestion of organising a Guild outing this summer to visit the Church Training Centre at Carberry Tower. Since then I have a letter from the newly appointed Warden, Rev. Colin Day, saying that the only dates they can receive visiting parties like Wornen’s Guilds is from 27th to 30th May, 1968. We can keep this in mind in arrangements for next year's outing.

Increased Charge for Parish Magazine

At a recent meeting of the Congregational Board the Church Treasurer intimated that with the in- creased cost of printing, it would be necessary to increase the cost of the parish magazine by 2d, making the charge 8d. This is very much regretted. If there should, be strong feeling against this increase. the alternative would be to make it a quarterly publication. I would prefer to have it continue monthly as it is a successful means of reaching the homes of our members with all information about our Church.

Special Services

On Sunday, 16th Iuly, the Services Will, as in the attended and led by the members of the Over 60 Club.

On Sunday, 16th Iuly, the Services will as in the last two years on this particularly Sunday, be conducted by Mr. John Tyman. I am absent from the parish from 14th to 21st Iuly, attending the R.A.F. Halton camp for Air Training Corps. as Hon. Chaplain.

On Sunday, 23rd July we will hold a United Lanlgholm Churches Common Riding Service in the Old Parish at 11 a.m. This Service will be attended by Cornet Colin Barnfather with his Right and Left Hand Men, the Common Riding Committee, and Provost Grieve, with members and officers of Langholm Town Council. As the Cornet belongs to the Erskine congregation, the sermon will be preached by Rev. Dr. Dinwoodie. This Service will be preceeded by a short ceremony at the War Memorial at 10.30 a.m. when the Cornet will lay a wreath. The Evening Service on 23rd Iuly will be attended by members of the Lodge Eskdale Kilwinning, with our Elder and Church Officer, Billy Elliot, as Right Worshipful Master of the Lodge.

At both Morning and Evening Services on Sunday, 23rd July retiring offering will be taken on behalf of Greenbank Eventide Home Fund.

On Sunday, 6th August the Morning and Evening Services will be conducted by the Rev. R. I. Stuart Wallace, M.A., Minister of Carlisle Church of Scotland, Chapel Street. This is a pulpit exchange arrangement. Mr. Wallace is Chaplain for Church of Scotland patients in the Carlisle City General Hospital, and the Cumberland Infirmary, and in consequence is well known to many Langholm people.

On Sunday, 13th August the Evening Service will be led by the Young Wives Fellowship.

The Old Parish will continue Morning and Evening Services throughout the summer.

We were glad to have the Langholm Academy Prize Giving Service in the Old Parish Church on Wednesday, 28th June. and I very much regret being unable to attend and take part, owing to having duties with the Hawick Presbytry meeting in our Hall at the same time.

Sunday School

The Sunday School Outing to Edinburgh was a great success and the children of all departments had a delightful day. Many thanks to teachers for their care and interest in the children.

The Flower and Prize Giving Service on Sunday, 18th June was well supported by parents, and the children brought a variety of gifts which were this year all distributed among elderly and sick within Langholm. Lessons were read by Maureen Currie Douglas Anderson, Doreen Irving and Morris Graham. We missed our Senior Elder and Sunday School Superintendent, Mr. William Stuart, and I am glad to say he is comfortable and happy in the Benwray Home at Lockerbie. We are glad to have our Elder Mr. Douglas Anderson taking the place of Mr. Stuart at this time.

Sympathy with Those Who Mourn

Thomas Fletcher of Nursery Cottage passed away on 2nd June at the age of 64. Tom Fletcher had played a distinguished part in the life of the Langholm community, a rugby player. a Pipe Band enthusiast who taught and encouraged many a young player, and a member of the local T.A. of the l/5 K.O.S.B. He passed away quite suddenly and the attendance at his funeral was evidence of the high esteem in which he was held. Our deepest sympathy with his widow and son in their bereavement and loss.

Miss Isabella Millar. 28 Academy Place, passed away in Hospital in Newcastle on 13th June at the age of 71. She had for some months been enduring suffering and her departure from us was to some extent expected. Miss Millar was well known in Langholm from the days of her milliner business in the High Street, and was a devoted member and supporter of the Old Parish Church.

Arthur Irving, 24 Drove Road, passed away suddenly on 6th June at the age of 73. He was well known for the part he had played in the life of the Langhollm community, served with the K.O.S.B. in the first world war, and until his retirement served as foreman moulder with Messrs Jeffrey Brothers. Our deepest sympathy with his Widow, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. lrving. and Mrs. Fairful in their sudden bereavement and loss.

Mrs. Grace Johnstone, formerly of 2 Mary Street, passed away at Bankshill, Lockerbie, on 5th Iune at the age of 76. Mrs. Johnstone was well known and respected in Langholm, and will be sadly missed by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnstone, her son and daughter in law, and by Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Anderson. Our sincere sympathy with them.

With kind greetings to all our people.

Yours sincerely,

TOM CALVERT, Minister.


Collections for June, 1967

F. W. O. £69 6 9

Ordinary £24 14 5


Collections for May, 1967

F. W. O. £69 6 9

Ordinary £24 14 5


At the meeting of the Congregational Board on 14th June, a variety of topics were discussed but perhaps the most important concerned the mounting of a local Christian Stewardship Campaign. There being no question of a hasty decision when so much money and effort were involved, it was resolved that, in the first instance, five Board Members and the Minister should attend a weekend course at the Stewardship School at Carberry Tower to study in greater detail the Workings of such a Campaign. The Board also decided to take up retiring collections in aid of the Greenbank Eventide Home on Common Riding Sunday, and, to meet rising costs, to ask if members of the congregation would be prepared to give 8d instead of 6d for the Parish Magazine.


The Langholm Youth Club is organising a Mini Fete to take place at and in the Buccleuch Hall on Saturday, 9th September in aid of a donation to the Greenbank Eventide Home Funds, and the decoration and equipment of the Youth Centre. The Fete will be opened at 2.30 p.m. after a fancy dress parade through the town, led by Langholrrr Pipe Band. The effort will conclude with a grand dance in the evening.


July 9 - 11 am. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Jenny Hall, George Street. The Evening Service will be led by the Over 60 Club.

July 16 - 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mr. John Tyman, M.A., L.L.B. Flowers, Mrs. Jean Goodfellow, 8 Buccleuch Terrace.

July 23 - 11 a.m. Pre-Common Riding United Setvice, attended by Cornet with Right and Left Hand Men. This Service will be preceeded by a short ceremony at the War Memorial at 10.30 a.m. when wreaths will be laid. 6pm. Service attended by members of the Lodge Eskdale Kilwinning. Flowers, Miss P. Hotson, 2 Walter Street.

July 30 - 11 am. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Robert Johnstone, 14 Elizabeth Street.

August 6 - 11 a.m. an-d 6 p.m. Rev. I. R. Stuart Wallace, M.A., Carlisle Church of Scotland. Flowers, Mrs. Paterson, The Cottage, Terrona.

August 13-11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. T. Calvert, The Manse. The Young Wives Fellowship attend and lead the Evening Service.

August 20 - 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. E. Calvert, 12 Charlotte Street. August 27-11 am. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Beverley, 39 Henry Street. September 3 - 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Rev. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Douglas Anderson, Mary Street.

June 4 - Allison, daughter of and Mrs. Thomas Hill, Whitlawside


June 24 - ln Hawick Old Parish, Malcolm Mothersole, 11 Braehead, Langholm, to Yvonone Janet Scott, 3 Noble Place, Hawick.

July 1 - Ian Berneand Stephen, 41 Elmbank Terrace, Aberdeen, to Jacqueline Douglas Anderson Halliday, 5 George Street.


June 2 - Thomas Fletcher, Nursery Cottage, age 64.

June 13 - Isabella Millar, 28 Academy Place. Age 71.

“I am the resurrection and I am life. If a man has faith in me, even though he die, he shall come to life; and no one who is alive and has faith shall ever die.” John 11. 25. N.E.B.