Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
LANGHOLM OLD PARISH CHURCHFounded 1703, present Church built 1846
N0. 12. JULY,AUGUST 1961.
Minister: Revd. TOM CALVERT, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. JOHN TYMAN, National Bank Buildings
Treasurer: Mr. R. A. BLACK, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. MALLINSON, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Motto Text for July/August—"This is day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Letter from the Minister
My dear Friends,
The Motto Text I am giving you for July/ August suggests to us a plan for daily living which would help many people if they could school themselves to adopt it, that of living one day at a time. There is a general impression that the Psalmist's words, "this is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it", is a reference to the Jewish Sabbath, and therefore would apply equally to our Christian Sunday. But from my reading of the Psalm 118 it seems quite definite that the words were intended to have a much wider application, and to mean the present day in which we are living whether it be Sunday, Monday or any day of the week. There are three points to note about our Motto Text.
First, it is not a reference to yesterday. God's word does not ask us to live over our yesterdays. lt does in certain passages suggest value in remembering the past but in no place advocates living in the past. And this is an important point. The reason why many people find themselves over burdened is that they go on daily dwelling upon past mistakes and failures, and allow their minds to be filled with persecuting memories. God's word tells us this is wrong, that God forgives past mistakes, and wipes out the hand writing that is against us. St. Paul had this problem to face as he had made grave mistakes in his past life. However, after Jesus had met him on the Demascus Road and forgiven him the past, he saw clearly that if he was to go on daily dwelling upon the wrong he had done when he was a persecutor he would never be any use as the Apostle to the Gentiles, and so he says, "forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before."
Second, our motto text is not referring to days yet to come. There is a strong tendency with us all to worry too much about the future, or too long for some future event or happiness to come. We never realise that we are literally wishing our lives away, and often mortgaging the joys of living in the present day for some future happiness which may never be fully realised. Of course we need to plan for the future and have our hopes for tomorrow, but not to the extent that we miss the real joy of living today. Jesus was dead against living tomorrow before it comes. He was always trying to get people to trust the coming days to God, and live fully and joyfully today, never to add to today's fears and worries those of tomorrow. "Take no thought for the morrow; for the morrow shall take thought for the things itself. Sufficient unto the day its the evil thereof".
Thirdly, our motto text commends living one day at a time. Look neither forward nor backward but enjoy to the full the loveliness of the present. "For this is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it." But we cannot rejoice and be glad in the present if we are burdened with the cares of tomorrow. Nor can we enjoy the sunshine of today if we are worried about the chances of a bad day tomorrow. And our motto text makes it quite clear that God wants his children to rejoice and be glad. I don't know where some religious people ever got the idea that religion should make us gloomy and solemn. But we cannot be happy people enjoying today if we are using up today's strength by worries about yesterday or tomorrow. Live each day as it comes and make the most of it, for "this is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it."
Appeal of Church of Scotland Committee on Refugee Service.
All our Ministers have been asked by the Assembly Committee on Refugee Service to draw the attention of congregations to the serious refugee situation developing in the Congo, into which thousands of refugees are now pouring from Angola. The latest information from the World Council of Churches Headquarters in Geneva is that the numbers now amount to over 100,000, and the influx continues daily. The plight of these refugees is particularly desperate, in that they are coming into a country itself just recovering from a grave emergency, and which is totally unable to cope with this new crisis. The Christian missionaries who, organised in the Protestant Relief Agency, have been doing such sterling relief work in the Congo, are now once again being called upon to aid the Angolan refugees, and are already at work among them distributing food and medicines. This work cannot be continued without financial aid from the Christian Church. The World Council of Churches has therefore resolved to give the Agency its utmost support and has called upon all member Churches to share in this urgent relief work. The Church of Scotland Stewardship and Budget Committee has authorised the Assembly's Committee on Refugee Service to invite members of the Church of Scotland to share, with all other Churches, in the appeal now being organised. It is the earnest hope of our Church of Scotland Committee responsible for Refugee Service that Churches and individual members will see their way to give donations to help in this urgent work. I will be asking our Kirk Session at the next meeting to consider making a donation to this appeal, and if any individual member wished to give, even if it be a very small donation, this could be given to Mr. Black, our Church Treasurer, who will forward same to the Secretary of the Committee in Edinburgh. And we can all remember this crying need of the world today in our prayers, and this will be doing much. And to help I am giving below a short prayer which I suggest we use each night for a week in our private prayers, remembering as Tennyson says, "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of."
"Remember, O Lord, in Thy mercy, the sad plight of the homeless and the refugees. Show us how we can help them best. Bless the work of refugee relief wherever it is being done. Have pity on those whose spirits have been broken by long-continued confinement, lack of privacy, squalid conditions, and suffering which seems to have no meaning and no end. And forgive us because we do not care enough. Amen."
Hall Improvements Fund
Recently we resolved in the Kirk Session to authorise a scheme for provision of more adequate toilet facilities in the Old Parish Hall. This is to be done by using the present cloak room, and of course this means that in the near future we will have to provide another cloak room. The cost of this work is a little over £lOO, and we have asked all the organisations using the Hall to contribute a minimum of £lO. The Sunday School has given a tremendous lead in responding to this appeal in raising funds for hall improvements. This began by Miss Lila McVittie's class running a jumble sale when over £2O was realised. The class consists of 10 boys who did all the work of collecting jumble and together with their teacher organising the sale. Then the following week Miss Jean McVittie's class of girls ran a most entertaining coffee evening, concert and mannequin parade, realising over £45. Other classes are running their efforts on different lines and it seems likely that by the time the Sunday School effort is completed the funds will be adequate to include decoration and new flooring of the kitchen in addition to the part they are asked to play along with the other organisations.
Special Services
On the subject of Church Services I would like first to say how gratifying it was to find on the first Sunday of 11 a.m. Morning Service there was an increased attendance. And I was delighted to see that a few who would probably have preferred to see the Services remain at the later hour were present. One of the grand things about our Langholm people is the way you accept and support changes, and your loyalty to the minister.
On Sunday, 23rd July we will have the Kirking of the Cornet Service, when one of our young members, Ian McVittie, will occupy the most honoured place in the Church. We commence with the Memorial Service at the War Memorial at 10-30 a.m., which Service will be shared by Revd. Dr. Dinwoodie, Revd. Beatrice Bonnar. B.D., and myself. This is followed by our Common Riding Service which will be conducted on traditional lines and when we hope to see the Church well filled.
On the following Sunday we commence United Services with Erskine Church as in previous years, and you will find details of these in the Church Calendar given below in this magazine. I will be absent on Sundays for the first three of the United Services and will conduct the Services on the last two Sundays of August.
Youth Club and Fellowship
A barbecue is being held at Georgefield Farm on Friday, 14th July by the kind permission of Mr. G. W. Masheter, and I understand over 60 names have been given in from those wishing to attend. We hope to organise a similar outing in August, and in September we are to visit the Church of Scotland Youth in Carlisle. Details will be given in intimations. I would like to say how much I appreciate the part our young men and women are taking in assisting in the Evening Service. In September when we commence the Sunday School and Youth Fellowship, I hope to commence a Youth Bible Class immediately after the Evening Service from 7.10 p.m. to 7.50 p.m. This will be followed by the Youth Fellowship at 8 p.m.
We all feel very sorry that the time has come so quickly for the return to her home in Australia of Miss Irene Jones. Irene has taken a full part in the work and life of our Church during the nine months she has been on the staff of the Langholm Aeademy. Her delightful personality and fine Christian character soon won her a warm place in the hearts of us all. She has never hesitated to take her full part in any work she was asked to do, reading Lessons and taking up the Offering in Church, and in helping with programmes and catering in the Youth Fellowship and Youth Club. Our young people on the lead of John Scott and Jackie Nixon took the opportunity to show their appreciation of Irene by giving her a delightful party and lovely present of a travelling clock at a gathering in the Ashley Bank Hotel over a week ago. At the same time I presented her with a Bible to remember her time in Langholm and sharing in the work and worship of the Old Parish Church. We wish her every blessing on her return home.
Boys' Brigade
On the week after the Common Riding our 1st Langholm Company of the Boys' Brigade go to Camp in the Stranraer district, and we wish them favourable weather and a very happy camp. At the same time a Boy's Brigade Company from South Shields is coming to Langholm, to camp in a field on the right beyond the Manse.,and by kind permission of Mr. John Henderson of Murtholm. We wish them a very happy time in Langholm.
Sunday School
The Sunday School outing to Kirkeudbrightshire was a specially happy one. The weather was in our favour and with two good meals, games on the lovely sands of Mossyard beach, and an exciting shoping visit to Castle Douglas, as well as seeing something of the Dumfries Common Riding filled the day with keen interests. The children enjoyed the journey and were lively and full of laughter and song up to the return to Langholm. The coaches were driven at a careful and steady pace which enabled everyone to appreciate the wonderful country scenes.
The Flower Service was again well attended and I think the children did exceptionally well in their part. I would like to congratulate Maureen Borthwick and Anne Robertson on the singing of a verse of "What a Friend we have in Jesus" in a way that it moved us all. At the prize giving we were pleased to congratulate William Stuart, our Sunday School Superintendent, with Mrs. Stuart upon their recent Golden Wedding, and to make four special presentations to the staff for long and very faithful service - to Miss Mary Dalgliesh, the Primary Leader and Sunday School Secretary and Treasurer - Misses Jean and Lila McVittie and Brenda Morrison. I don't wish to embarrass these ladies with words of highly deserved appreciation but would like to say that they are doing a great and vital work for our Church, as are those who serve with them who have come into the work more recently.
During the next two months I hope most of you will enjoy a happy holiday with favourable weather. My family and I feel that for this year we couldn't do better than to remain in Langholm for the holiday weeks. I will be absent on three Sundays but here for any calls. And may I ask for your help in letting me know of anyone in sickness, especially any who may go into hospital. I like to visit our people at such times but often don`t hear until they have been away over a week.
Warmest greetings to all our people.
Yours sincerely,
TOM CALVERT, Minister.
Church Calendar
l6th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. R. Johnstone, 14 Elizabeth Street. Elders, Morning—R. K. Neill, L. Ewart, C. Constable, J. Maclntosh, D. Hendrie, J. W. Wood. Evening—R. N. B. Noble, J. Maxwell and Youth Fellowship.
23rd—10.3O a.m. Service at War Memorial. 11 a.m. Common Riding Service. 6 p.m. Evening Service. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. M. D. Armstrong, Marlsyde. Elders, Morning—M. Douglas, R. Douglas, A. Smith, W. Smith, J. Maxwell, H. Hosie. Evening—M. Armstrong, C. Constable, and Youth Fellowship.
30th—11 a.m. United Service with Erskine in Old Parish. 6 p.m. Evening Service in Erskine Revd. Dr. Cameron Dinwoodie conducting both Services. Flowers, Miss Hotson, 2 Walter Street. Elders, Morning—D. Hendrie, L. Ewart, R. K. Neill, R. N. B. Noble, J. W. Wood, J. Maclntosh.
6th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. United Services in Erskine Church, Revd. Dr. Cameron Dinwoodie. l3th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. United Services in Erskine Church, Revd. Dr. Cameron Dinwoodie.
20th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. United Services in Old Parish Church, Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. T. Calvert, The Manse. Elders, Morning—A. Smith, T. McKail, L. Ewart, H. Hosie, C. Constable, J. W. Wood. Evening—M. Armstrong, R. W. Black, and Youth Fellowship.
27th—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. United Services in Old Parish Church. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. E. Calvert, 12 Charlotte Street. Elders, Morning—M. Douglas, R. N. B. Noble, D. Hendrie, M. Armstrong, J. Maclntosh, J. Tyman. Evening—D. Anderson, J. W. Wood and Youth Fellowship.
2nd—Penelope Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Liggins, 32 Waverley Road.
Women's Guild
On June 10th thirty-six members of the Women's Guild enjoyed an excellent outing to Newcastle-upon-Tyne. After an early start, the first stop at Bardon Mill for Coffee was most welcome and enjoyable, and all enjoyed the journey via Hexham to Newcastle. Most of the time before and after lunch was spent in shopping, and about 3 p.m. the party set out on the second part of the outing to Alnwick. The visit to the Castle was the highlight of the day, as was the excellent meal all enjoyed in the Lion Hotel at Alnwick afterwards. We came home through a most attractive countryside, Rothbury, Otterburn and Carter Bar, getting home to Langholm around 10 30 p.m.
The Guild is planning to hold a Bring and Buy Tea on the Saturday before the`Common Riding, details to be intimated nearer the time.
Faith Mission Pilgrim Evangelists
The Faith Mission for evangelists who are in occupation of the Old Parish Hall until 2lst July, began with a Conference on Saturday, 1st July. This was organised by the Dumfriesshire Christian Union and was addressed by the Revd. S. M. Armstrong, B.D. from Glasgow. We were pleased to have the leader of the visiting evangelists, Robert Courtney, reading the Lessons at the Morning Service last Sunday. We all pray that their visit to this district may be blessed by God.