Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
N0.48 Price 1/- with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY JANUARY, 1965.
Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. John Tyman, Barbank, Langholm. Tel. 223
Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255
Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Church Officer: Mr. Archie Smith, 7 Holmwood Crescent.
Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.
Motto Text for January 1965: A Happy New Year.
Dear Fellow-Member,
Everyone we meet these days has these words of our January Motto Text on their lips—A Happy New Year—and it is a grand Christian wish for any one of us to express to another. But how few people there are who know the real meaning of this wish—the real meaning of inner happiness.
What a pathetic thing this search for happiness is. People set their minds on finding it and so often in the end it deludes them. Take a man like Edgar Wallace, the detective story writer, for example. He set out to achieve everything he thought would bring him happiness, and he succeeded in getting practically everything he wanted—money, fame and power—but the one thing that eluded him was happiness—the thing he really was searching for. And many people think that if they had the sort of things that Edgar Wallace came to possess in plenty they would be perfectly happy. But these things in themselves never do bring the happiness people expect from them. More often in seeking to achieve them men do what Andrew Carnegie did: he made himself a multimillionaire but the hard toil of the effort ruined his health and when it came to him he couldn't enjoy the blessing of wealth.
Jesus knew the secret of happiness and He tried to let His followers into the secret. He talked a lot about happiness and in His Sermon on the Mount He told us the conditions of happiness. In Matthew 5 we get His words, "Blessed are", for some nine sentences, and the Greek word has been translated as blessed. The word, mararies, is also in modern versions translated as happy. There can be no doubt whatever that Jesus was a happy man, and that He radiated happiness wherever He went. And His best followers have always been happy people. I know there have been times in the history of the Christian Church when it was thought that solemnity was the mark of a Christian and that it was wicked to laugh or make any sign of merriment on what they used to call the Sabbath Day. And this did very much harm to the cause of true religion. Even the old religions before Christ's coming knew better. An old Indian scripture says: "Were there no spirit of joy in the universe, who could live and breathe in this world of life." And St. Augustine gave a true Christian expression to the same thought when he wrote: "The Holy Spirit is a glad spirit." And a happy Christian man or woman is to my mind the best advertisement for religion, and others are helped by them all unintentionally by coming into contact with such people. Robert Louis Stevenson used to say that for Christian men or women to go about in a doleful mood was a sin that ought to be confessed with penance. He also said that "there is no duty so much underrated as the duty of happiness—by being happy we sow anonymous benefits to the world—which remain unknown to ourselves, and when they are disclosed no one is more surprised than those who sow them. A happy man or woman is a better thing to find than a five-pound note, and his entrance into a room is as if another candle had been lighted." What then is the source of that kindliness we would like all our friends to enjoy when we wish them a Happy New Year for 1965?
he first thing of importance, in my opinion, may sound rather old fashioned advice, that of striving to live a good life and after the pattern of Jesus.
ost people these days have got the idea that the prodigal is the man who gets all the happiness and that if you do disregard moral law and social conventions you are having a good time. But I have yet to find the man or woman who in the end of the day has found this to be true. Robert Burns, who knew a good lot about casting off restraints, likened stolen pleasures to a snowflake on the river—one moment bright then gone forever. And of course this is true in the hard world of business and commerce. Goldsworthy in "On Forsyth Change" tells a story of an old builder in Brighton who had built some houses that wouldn't dry; salt water instead of fresh had been mixed in the mortar. Someone showed him a trick how he might do something so that the houses would look dry although they never would be. He thought it over, for taking them down was a costly job and would nearly ruin him. But in the end he decided not to be party to such a trick. He took them down and built them again and it cost him thousands. But Goldsworthy says: "He was always happy afterwards that he had been so much above board, and that it made him very respected." And it is a fact that there is no happiness outside the good life. Sir Walter Scott, lying on his bed at the end of his days, called Lockhart his son-in-law over to him and said: "Lockhart, be a good man, be virtuous: nothing else will bring you any comfort when you come to lie where I do now."
Another important factor in happiness lies in the art of living one day at a time, and enjoying each day as it comes us.
We so often miss the joys of the present by looking for some day to come when we will be so placed that we think we will be really happy, a kind of looking forward to a time that never comes for the most of people. Jesus said to the people of His earthly days: "Take ye no heed of the morrow, for the morrow will take heed of the things of itself, sufficient for the day is the evil thereof." And not only the tomorrows but the yesterdays are the robbers of most people's happiness. Fretting over The disappointments and sorrows and mistakes and missed opportunities of yesterday, crying over spilt milk, never does anybody any good. It has spoiled and darkened and soured many a life that might have been radiant with happiness. Far better to be like St. Paul who made his mistakes but after becoming a follower of Jesus he resolved this: "Forgetting the things that are behind, I live for the things yet to come." Forget the past and learn to live one day at a time, and don't try to live tomorrow today. As Madam Curie, that great woman who gave the world radium and refused to exploit it for personal gain, once wrote to her children at this season: "My dear children, I wish you a happy new year. That is to say a year of good health, good humour and good work. A year in which you will have pleasure in living every day without waiting for the days to be gone before finding charm in them$mdash;and without putting all hopes of pleasure in the years to come. The older one gets the more one feels that the present must be enjoyed. It is a precious gift, comparable to a state of grace." And that was the counsel of a woman who made no religious profession.
Another thing that contributes to inward happiness is to be able to realise that we are making some contribution to the life of the world, of the community, of the Church, and to the well-being of others.
Eric Shipton, the Everest climber, has said that if a mountaineering expedition is to be happy the first essential is that every man should feel that he has an important part to play. Let a man begin to feel he is superfluous or useless and immediately he will get disgruntled. As long as people feel they are doing something that matters in helping in the work of some worthwhile cause they are assured of a degree of happiness and content. And the more people give themselves to the well-being of a good cause or other people the greater their sense of happiness. Jesus meant just this when He said: "Whosoever shall save his life shall lose it, and whosoever shall lose his life for my sake shall find it." One of the happiest men living today, an old German doctor who celebrated his 90th birthday just a month ago—Albert Schweitzer—is happy in the memory of having spent over sixty years of his grand life ministering to the needs of African lepers in Lambarene. At the age of 29 he gave up the Chair of Philosophy in a German University, and many other things besides, in order to lose his life for Christ's sake, and he says he has never regretted it. I have read of Dr. Wilfred Grenfell of Labrador, many years ago advertising for a nurse to help him in a hospital In Labrador. In the advertisement he said he could offer no wages and that the person selected would very likely need to pay her own fare out, but that he could assure whoever was chosen of happiness such as they had never before known. He got many applications from young women eager to find the meaning of real happiness, for that was all the job promised. The young woman who went said years afterwards that until she took on that job she didn't know that real happiness lay not in what you got out of life but what you gave to it. We don't need to go off to far away Labrador or Africa in order to find some worthwhile cause.
Happiness is something that you can never really say you have, though we may already possess it in a large degree. It is something that comes to us as we go out in search of the best things and the best way of living. Sir Alfred Fripp, an eminent surgeon in Oxford, has laid down certain rules for happiness. Here they are: (a) Always be yourself; (b) Consider the feelings of others; (c) Keep your friendships in repair; (d) Keep the faith and simplicity of youth; (e) Don't cross bridges before you come to them; (f) be patient with fools; (g) Don't let yourself get dragged into quarrels; (h) Remember that it takes all kinds of people to make a world; (i) Try to understand the people you condemn; (j) Guard your sense of humour and sense of proportion; (k) Never brood over the past, memory consists in the art of forgetting. Rather a lot of rules for anyone in search of happiness in 1965 to remember, but I suggest most people would be helped by the last two—guard your sense of humour and stop fretting about past failings or mistakes and live for the year to come.
Christmas Services and Parties.
The Eskdale Old People's Welfare Committee's Christmas Party in Buccleuch Hall was well organised and very much enjoyed. This party was preceded by a short Christmas Service conducted by Dr. Dinwoodie and at which the Revd. Beatrice Bonnar gave an appropriate address. Mallinson led community singing and a choir of girls from the Academy, under Mrs. Langhorn, the Music Mistress, sang carols. One of the highlights of the party was the singing of two delightful old songs by the Revd. Fr. Oliver Martin
Sunday School Service and Party
On Saturday, 19th December, the Sunday School held two very happy parties. The first was for the Primary, organised by Miss Mary Dalgliesh and her staff, with Mr. Archie Smith impersonating Santa Claus. Later in the day the Junior and Senior children held a very happy party when all surplus energy was given relief. Many thanks to our splendid staff of teachers who gave of their time and gifts to make these parties the grand success they were.
The Evening Service on Sunday, 20th was led by the Sunday School, and at the commencement the children brought gifts of toys, books, sweets and fruit. These were beautifully parcelled in Christmas style, and named as for a boy or girl. The gifts were received at the beginning of the Service by Douglas Anderson and John Scott. Later they were given to two different branches of Dr. Barnardo's Homes, and a proportion to the Children's Ward of the Cumberland Infimary. There was a large congregation, especially of our young people at this Service, and all were delighted in listening to the Primary children singing un-accompanied, "I saw three Ships come Sailing In", and the older children singing Christmas Carols and "Tell me the Stories of Jesus". We were also very pleased to have our Senior Elder and Sunday School Superintendent, William Stuart, singing "Jesus is our Shepherd". The Lessons were read by Raymond Anderson, Mary Smith, Roddy Innes and Patricia Kerr. The accompaniments were played by Mr. A. Mallinson at the organ, and Irving Bell at the piano.
After the Evening Service a company of young people went round the town carol singing, first to the Hope Hospital, where each patient was presented with a small gift, and several carols were sung. Afterwards they were warmly thanked by the Matron. Thereafter the company sang at the Town Hall Christmas Tree, at the Meikleholm, and in several homes of elderly people.
Academy Carol Service
We were pleased to have the scholars of Langholm Academy attending our church for a Carol Service to close the term. The church was well filled, and lessons were read by Janice Cook, Philip Harkness and Jane Scott. The school choir sang 'Unto us a Boy is born'. It was a very happy Service. Thanks to Mr. James Pattie, the Rector, for keeping the Old Parish Church in the programme of school events.
Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
This year the Service was short, just over half an hour. The best known carols were sung, and a special choir organised by David Murray sang "0 Little Town of Bethlehem", and Mrs. Alexa Harkhess sang "Silent Night". The Lessons were read by Michael Kyle representing the Boy's Brigade, Grace Brown and George Jackson representing the Youth Fellowship, Brenda Morrison representing the Sunday Schools, and Barbara Paterson representing the Young Farmers. Walter Brown was in charge of bell ringing, and the readers of lessons plus Jack Willis and John Ritchie were in charge of the collection. There was a very good attendance, and the collection on behalf of Christian Aid for the World's Hungry amounted to £24 4s Od.
Christmas Day United Service in Erskine Church
The Christmas Day Service was well attended, particularly by Old Parish people. It is in keeping with the worldwide feeling for Church unity that our people support United Services so well.
The Old Year Sunday Services were not helped by the severe winter weather, but the Evening Service was well attended, when a special choir rendered many of the popular carols, and we were all delighted by the lovely singing. Many thanks to David Murray and those who helped him in bringing together a large choir of our own people for the occasion.
Pensioners Club Christmas Party
I feel I must say a word of praise to Mrs. Flint, Hostess of the Pensioners Club, for the very delightful Christmas Turkey Supper she organised. A company of over 60 members and guests assembled in the Old Parish Hall, and after a three course supper were all presented by Mrs. Flint with a gift. Mrs. Flint was congratulated by myself and Dr. Dinwoodie and Fr. Martin on her grand work in instituting this happy Pensioners Club, as its foundation and success is entirely due to her ideas and personality. The Langholm Town Band did splendidly in attending and entertaining the company with Christmas song and music. Mrs. Barker provided accompaniments and there were several singers.
Acknowledgements for Christmas Gifts and Service
I wish to express our gratitude to the Buccleuch Estates Ltd., for the gift of two lovely Christmas Trees, one for the hall and the other for the church. Also to thank those who erected them, decorated trees and the church for the Christmas season. The Sunday School staff, the Women's Guild, the Youth Fellowship. Mr. Archie Smith our splendid Church Officer, and David Calvert who set up the boards for the Christmas Eve Service. Also to the children for the lovely Christmas gifts they brought to church. I have a touching letter from the Lady in charge of Dr. Barnardo's Home at Hawick, saying how much the children there were delighted by the gifts sent by our children. I took a proportion of the gifts to the Children's Ward of the Cumberland Infirmary, and the Sister of the Ward remarked how kind the Langholm children had been last year too, and that this was always remembered when Langholm children were patients. She also said that she had been impressed byt he Langholm patients for their sense of independence and happy disposition.
Here I wish also to acknowledge with best thanks an annonymous gift of 10/- which I receive every year from someone in Langholm "for some-one you know, that will have a lonely Christmas". I would like to say this money is used for the purpose desired to the best of my judgement. Also to express warm thanks to Mrs. Ashley Cochrane, St. Ann's, Langholm, for a second year giving me a cheque for £50 to spend on Christmas cheer in Langholm. May I say this accounts for many receiving two bags of coal during the past fortnight. There are always more one would like to remember than the resources will include, and no one is infallible and I may have left out someone who would have been included had the name occurred at the time of making up the list.
Sympathy with the Bereaved
It is sad to have bereavements at Christmas time when we would like to wish everyone a happy Christmas. As Interim Moderator of Newcastleton I have had several Funeral Services to conduct there recently. In our own congregation we have been saddened by the sudden passing away of Alexander Milligan Corrie, of 2 Thornton Road, Carlisle. He was well known and loved in his home town of Langholm and everyone was proud of his business success. His bereaved wife is Jane Cuthbertson, also from Langholm, and a former member of our Church. Our very tender sympathy to Mrs. Corrie and family in their sad loss.
Thomas Morrison in his 80th year passed away at Melrose on 15th December. He was well known in Langholm, his home town, and we offer our sincere sympathy to his family and relatives. Also our very true sympathy with Miss Vera Berkley, Charlotte Street, in the passing away of her sister, Elizabeth Ann, at the age of 82, after a long illness.
Our warmest congratulations to Mrs. Mary Ann Story, 30 Charles Street Old, on celebrating her hundredth birthday on 9th December I had the pleasure of calling on her that day to express the congratulations of the Old Parish Church people, and our Youth Fellowship carol singers also visited her before Christmas and gladdened her heart by singing two of her favourite carols.
Many thanks to all who have sent cards of greeting to the Manse, all very much appreciated. During January. I will have to be absent from the pulpit on two occasions owing to duties in Newcastleton and Saughtree in connection with the vacancy there. I am hoping that the vacancy will be a short one. I am being helped in overtaking this duty laid upon me by the Presbytery of Hawick by Mr. John Tyman, an official Lay Preacher of the Presbytery, and by the Revd. A. R. Alexander of Eaglesfield, in filling the pulpits as required.
With all good wishes for all the best in 1965 for our people in the Old Parish Church.
Yours sincerely,
TOM CALVERT, Minister.
Collections for December 1964
F.W.O. £84 11 9 Ordinary £27 5 10
Deed of Covenant £15 0 0
Annual Envelopes £6 0 0
Donations £20 0 0
Collecting Box 13/2d
January 10—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mr. John Tyman, MA., LL.B. Flowers: Mrs. C. Glendinning, 70 High Street.
January 17—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. A. R. Alexander, M.A. Flowers: Miss Mary Hounam, 54 Caroline Street.
January 24—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert,. Flowers: Mrs. John Tyman, Barbank.
January 31—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert, Flowers: Mrs. W. Hosie, 60 Holmwood Drive.
February 7—11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers: Miss J. Graham, Whita Cottage.
10th December—Alexander Milligan Corrie, 2 Thornton Road, Carlisle.
15th December—Thomas Morrison, at Menose. Aged 80.
16th December—Miss Elizabeth Ann Berkley. Aged 82.
"Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord. Yea, saith the Spirit, for they rest from their labours and their works do follow them."—Rev. 14; 13.
The Kirk Session will meet on Wednesday, 13th January at 7.30 p.m.
The Congregational Board will meet in the Vestry on Thursday, 28th January at 7.30 p.m. when a full attendance is desired.
Women's Guild: Next meeting 12th January. Talk and slides by Mrs. Carter on her visit to Africa. Burns Supper, 26th January. Immortal Memory by Adam Anderson.