Langholm Old Church Parish Magazine
N0.58 Price 1/ - with LIFE AND HOME - 6d LOCAL MAGAZINE ONLY DECEMBER, 1965.
Minister: Revd. Tom Calvert, The Old Manse, Langholm. Tel. 256.
Session Clerk: Mr. John Tyman,M.A. LL.B., Barbank, Langholm. Tel. 223
Clerk to Board: Mr. E. C. Armstrong, Town Hall, Langholm , Tel. 255
Treasurer: Mr. Robert Black, 35 Eskdaill Street.
Organist: Mr. A. C. Mallinson, A.R.C.O., L.R.A.M., 72 Henry Street.
Church Officer: Mr. W Elliot, 3 Buccleuch Terrace.
Hall Caretaker: Mr Donaldson, 7 West Street.
Motto Text of Scots furth of the border on 30th December:-"Scotland Forever".
Dear Fellow-Member,
Last week I was down in Portsmouth speaking at the annual St. Andrew's Dinner of the Portsmouth and District Caledonian Society. The audience was of some three hundred Scottish Service men, doctors and business men, and the toast I was given to propose was entitled "Scotland Forever". I greatly enjoyed not only the return visit to a city where I met so many old friends, but also speaking to this toast on St. Andrew Night, 30th November. For I believe that to wish Scotland to last forever is 'a good wish if it is coupled with the name of St. Andrew and the hope thaf something of the qualities of the character of the patron saint are finding emulation of Scottish people whether thev live in Scotland or furth of its borders. They tell'a story in England about a country inn which had the name St. George and the Dragon. One day a tramp knocked on the door of this inn and asked for a "handout". He would like some bread and cheese and perhaps a pint of ale. The Innkeeper's wife answered the door and impatiently Iistened to the beggar's request. Then with some strong words she said she would give him nothing. That what he needed was a little ambition to get a job and stop sponging on others. The tramp looked up at the hotel sign-St. George and the Dragon, and with a naughty gleam in his eye, said, "Please mum, can I speak with St. George?" Well, I am glad that "St. Andrew has no fierce reptile associated with his name that might suggest that the lady of an inn bearing his name was a bit of a dragon, and yet it is true that his name in Scottish emblems has become associated with some rather frightsome symbols. The Scottish thistle for example, with the motto in Latin , "I'll jag you if you touch me". Or the Lion Rampant on the Scottish flag, with lashing tail and claws outstretched. Fine emblems for an army going to war, but we would like to think that Scottish people will not be jaggy and quarrelsome, or like lions on the rampage. I have ,read of a Scottish Sunday School that had their own Scottish banner which they car- ried as they marched from the train to the sea-shore when they went on their annual outing. Because they were a Sunday School they thought the banner should have a text, so underneath the Lion Rampant they had the words printed, "Suffer little children to come unto me". It didn't go very well with the flag. But the Scottish emblem of the White Cross of St. Andrew on a blue background which speaks of love and so many other fine qualities is an emblem we would like to see emulated more and more in the lives of our people. And if this is what we have in mind when we drink the toast Scotland Forever, then I think it is very likely that Destiny will see that Scotland will last for many centuries to come, as her people by the qualities of their national character will have something to contribute to the life of the world something in keeping with those qualities Robert Burns wrote about in his Cotter's Saturday Night which he said made Scotland "loved at home, revered abroad". Let me mention the main qualities of St. Andrew which we would like to see in the character of our people today, and which would ensure a long and grand future of Scotland.
The First I would Mention is Brotherliness
Andrew was a brotherly man, in his home, in the community, and in his contacts with people of other race and colour and language. He was brotherly at home, and this was why, after meeting with jesus and talking about Him at home Peter was so impressed and wanted to go along with his brother Andrew and get to know |esus. Brotherliness or sisterliness in the home is a rare quality. We all know plenty of people who ,are "hail-fellow well met" and popular outside, but who are perfect horrors at home. Well Andrew was as genial and respected at home as outside. And he was brotherly in his community life. We know this from the way his advice was sought by others. And this is a valuable characteristic, to be brotherly in our words and looks and deeds to people of every class, and especially towards those who have met with misfortune. Tolstoi the Russian novelist one cold winter day met a beggar in the streets of Moscow who asked him for money to buy a meal. Tolstoi putting his hand into his pocket found he hadn't a single coin, and said, "Sorry brother but I have nothing to give you". "Never mind brother" replied the beggar, "for that too was a gift". And Andrew was brotherly with people of other race and colour. Andrew belonged to a band of Twelve men who were mostly red hot nationalists. this is why they, had joined the party, because they thought this Kingdom Jesus talked about was'the beginning of an organisation that would drive the Romans out of Palestine and restore the glorv of Israel. But Andrew had seen beyond this in his conception of the Kingdom Jesus was out to establish in the world, that it was to include the Samaritans and all nations. He knew from what he had gathered from jesus teaching that "God has made of one blood all nations to dweli together upon earth". And when some Greeks came asking to see ]esus and the other disciples were doubtful whether they were entitled to be so introduced to the blessings of the kingdom, Andrew appeared on the scene and took the Greeks right into the presence of the Master. And this is something our present generation should learn from Andrew, that we should stop speaking and acting in an offensive way to people of other race or colour, and remember that they are just people like ourselves, perhaps not as well fed .or paid or educated but of the same human stock and with the same human possibilities. To continue in this attitude of ,race discrimination such as is examplified in the illegal government of Southern Rhodesia in these present days is sowing the seed of a sorry harvest for the white races in the years to come. As Dr. ]ohn Mott, a world authority of race relations said a few vears ago, "the world has now become a neighbourhobd and If it doesn't soon become a brotherhood it wilI soon become a hell". I doubt that hell is a strong enough word, for with the rapid increase of world population of coloured over white the fact that the white race holds in its hands wealth and scientific knowledge and devastating bombs will not match the barbaric kind of blood bath they will inflict upon us. As a writer in the New York Times put it the other day, "the time has come when it is no longer the case that the greatest adventure is to land a man on the moon, but rather to learn to understand the heart and mind of man, to turn away from wrath and destruction towards creativeness and brotherly love."
And this quality of Andrew of brotherly love to other races was the dream of our national bard long years aqo, and let us reremember it today.
"Then let us pray that come it may
As come it will for a' that;
That sense and worth, o'er a' the earth
May bear the gree, and a' that,
For a that, and a' that,
It's coming yet, for a' that;
That man to man, the warld o'er-Shall brothers be for a' that."
Secondly Andrew was a man who put service to a cause before self-glorification.
Andrew was the first to follow Jesus, and he brought his brother Peter to Jesus, and very soon Peter was the first and Andrew not even second When Jesus selected an inner circle it was Peter, James and John and Andrew was left out. But this didn't matke him bitter and resentful as it did Judas. Andrew didn't mind who sat at the top seats or got the leading jobs so long as the cause was going well. And it takes big souled men to behave like this,men like Richard Austin Butler in the last government, passed over again and again for leadership of the government but he took- the iob assigned to him and did it faithfully and well without recriminations' And this is a quality that the people of our nation must not let go if we are to keep our place of leadership in the community of nations, faithful service without having the reward we will get as our uppermost thought. To work for the works sake, for the sake of a cause" as Andrew did, and not for the sake of personal glory or advancement.
But Andrew's grandest quality was that of physical and moral courage.
Tradition has it that he went as a missionary to Russia and Poland among a barbaric people, and won many of them for the Gospel. And that later he died as a martyr in Greece, on in X shaped Cross, and that as he hung dying on that Cross he kept pleading with those standing by to turn to his Saviour. And we do know that later on-as well as becoming the patron saint of Scotland he was acknowledged as the patron saint of Russia, and that his Cross was incorporated in the Russian flag, and that in I698 Peter lst bf Russia instituted "the Order of St. Andrew" as the highest award for bravery.
And remembering St. Andrew of 30th November as a man of rare courage, we cannot forget another brave man who passed away in this pesent year, Sir Winston Churchi1l. After his death many of our leaders discussed what could be the best way to honour his memory, and at that time Anthony Eden, or Lord Avon, suggested that he should be given an annual day of remembrance. Had that suggestion been accepted it would have meant that we would have been remembering him on the same night as we celebrate our patron saint, for Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November,1874. And I am sure Andrew would have been right proud to share his Day with a man possessing like qualities to his own, physical and moral courage. I have spoken at length from time to time of the courage of Winston Churchill, his physical courage as a younq soldier in Cuba, North west Frontiers of India, in Sudan and later as a War Correspondent in the South African War' But the qualities of his couraqe that have impressed me most have been those displayed as a statesman and Member of Parliament. A man whose moral courage was far above party if the policy of his party would not suport measures he sincerely believed in the nation's best interests. This is why he walked across the House and left one pafty and joined another "more than once". His concern was not for a political party but for Britain, and the British Empire, and he deeply deplored the disintegration of Empire that set in after the war and which Is going on at such a rapid pace today. And I wonder whether he wasn't right, whether the world today would not have been vastly more secure, and the peoples of India and Africa and elsewhere a great deal more advanced if the British Empire held firm. At a St' George's Day dinner with the Honourable Artillery Company in 1953, Churchill told the gunners what would happen. if St. George were alive today: "St. George . would be armed, not by a lance, but by several flexible formulas. He would propose a conference with the dragon. He would lend the dragon a lot of money. The maiden's release would be referred to Geneva or New York, the dragon reserving all rights meanwhile.
Well, these are the three outstanding qualities to be seen in the life and character of Andrew, our patron saint. And if in wishing Scotland to last forever we mean Scotland with its peoples at home and abroad emulating these grand and rare qualities, I am sure that Destiny will see to it that Scotland will last for many centuries to come, for she will have some vital contribution to make to the life of the world, and to the advancement and glory of the Kingdom Jesus came into this world to establish.
The Annual Remembrance Day Service on November was the largest attendance I have seen in the Old Parish Church. Members of the British Legion and of the uniformed organisations turned out right smartly, and both the Pipe Band and the Langholm Town Band rendered excellent service. It is really a great occasion in these days of increasing world hattes to see the different branches of the Christian church standing together, as was witnessed when Revd. Dr. Dinwoodie, Revd. Beatrice Bonnar, Revd. G. V. Kendall shared with me in a Service with members of all the churches present. The Earl Haig ColIection was almost 50 percent. above what was given in days when this Service was in the afternoon, amouniting this year to just over £40.
The other happy Service I am thinking of was the Boys' Brigade Enrolment or Sunday, 28th November. as I told the young recruits that day, the Langholm Boys Brigade was commented upon by many when they paraded for the Remembrance Day. Service as the smartest turnout seen, and this was richly deserved knowing all the faithfut work done by Mr. Robertson and his officers. The Boys' Brigade is an organisation that really helps boys to become good and true men without rubbing religion into their skins but in maintaining discipline along with fun and games and laughter.
The Women's Guild has had a happy month despite having to cancel one meeting owing to weather conditions. The meeting on 9th November with Mr. Tom Coulson illustrating his talk with lovely slides was tremendously appreciated. So also was the meeting on 23rd November when our Guild was the guests of the Erskine Guild. The Concert arranged by Mr. McGhee for 30th November which had to be cancelled owing to road conditions, will be coming to us at a later date, I have no doubt.
A meeting was held in the vestry on Wednesday 24th November to discuss the formation of a Young Wives Fellowship. There was a good response and it was agreed to form a Young Wives Fellowship to meet twice each month on thursday afternoons at 2.30 p.m in the Old Parish Hall. The first meeting to be bn 16th December. The plan is that two or three members of the Guild will attend to make tea, and one to help in caring for babies left in the smaller hall. Final details and appointment of Office-bearers are left until the first meeting. The programme will be working for the church and freedom to mix and talk with each other, ina occasional visiting speakers or films. We hope itt young wives free will come along with babies, and any young women free at that hour will be welcomed.
A member of our Church who wishes his name to remain unknown has told me that I can go ahead and order a red carpet for the church aisles and he will pay the cost. This is a very generous gift and one that will add tremendously to the comfort and beauty of our lovely church. This is the third gift in suc- cession received this year, the lovely red door cur- tains, then £100 towards the rewiring of the church lighting, and now a carpet for the aisles which I have always hoped for. Here I express the most grateful thanks of our church authorities and congregation.
Christmas is drawing near much quicker than I had realised. We seem to get so little done we had planned. The special Christmas Services will be as follows. Sunday 19th, the Morning Service taken by the Sunday School children, trained in the part they will play with the help of Miss Hazel Farms of Canonbie Manse. The children are asked to bring a toy of gift which will be received at the commencement of the Service and later sent to the children's wards of different hospitals. This will be a moving Service and I expect to see all the parents of the Sundav School children present.
The evening service on the 19th of December will be a Carol Service led by the Langholm Town Band, and we can be sure of a very happy Service-remembering how well the Band served us last year.
There will be the Candle Light Service on Christmas Eve at 11.15 p.m. when LEssons will be read by youung people representing various organisations of youth, and popular carols will be sung. The Collection will be for Christian Aid to relieve suffering throughout the world under the British Council of Churches.
The Christmas Day Service will be a United Service with Erskine held in the Old Parish Church at 11 a.m.
The Women's Guild Christmas Party is on Tuesday 14th December. The Eskdale Old People's Welfare Christmas Service and Party in the Buccleuch Hall is on Wednesday, 15th December at 3 p.m. The Over 60 Club Christmas Party on Tuesday, 21st December in the Old Parish hall.
The Sunday School Parties are fixed as follows- Primary Sundav School: Saturday 18th December, at 2 p.m. Junior'and Senior Sunday School: Monday, 20th December, at 7 P.m.
The Boys' Brigade Christmas Party is on Friday, 24th, at 7.30. and the Life Boys on Wednesday' 22nd, at 6.15 p.m.
The children of Langholm Academy will attend the Old Parish Church for a short Service of Christmas Carols to mark closing of the first term, on Thursday, 23rd December, at 11 a.m. Parents and members of the public welcomed to this Service.
With the best Christmas and New Year wishes to aII our people, and with special rememberance for the older people no longer able to attend Christmas Ser- vices and Parties. And may those who are laid aside with illness know something of the joy of Christmas in their hearts and homes at this glad season.
Yours sincerely,
Collections for November 1965
F.W.O £89 18 3
By Annual Envelopes £19 10 0
By Deed of Covenant £6 10 0
By Collecting Boxes £6 15 10
By Donations £50 0 0
Would the distributors of our Parish Magazine please collect annual subscriptions and hand same to Church Treasurer as soon as possible to enable him to balance his Magazine account
November 26, James Edward Wright, Rosedale, Eaglesfield, to Marion Devlin, 54 Holmwood Drive.
December 12, 11 a.m. Morning Service, Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Wood, Potholm. 6 p.m. United Service in Langholm Congregational Church.
December 19, 11 a.m. Christmas Story in Play and Song by children of the Sunday School. Children asked to bring gifts for children in hospital which will be received at commencement of the Service. Flowers arranged by the Women's Guild. 5 p.m. Christmas Carol Service led by Langholm Town Band. Revd. Tom Cah,ert. 7.30 p.m. Carol Choir assemble in hall to proceed to Thomas Hope Hospital and homes in Langholm. Volunteers from or outwith our youth organisations invited to take part.
December 24, ll.l5 p.m. Christmas Eve Candle Light Service. Collection for Church Aid to relieve suffering throughout the world under British Council of Churches.
December 25, United Christmas Day Service in Old Parish at 11 a.m. This will be a short Service.
December 26, ll a.m. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers arranged by the Women's Guild. 6 p.m.. Choir organised by Mrs. Carter with Mr' Mallinson at organ will render special Carols.
January 26,11 a.m. and 6 p.m. New Year Services. Revd. Tom Calvert. Flowers, Mrs. Maclntosh, Orchard Hill, Ha'path, Langholm.
At a meeting in Kilmarnock on 27th October the Moderator of the General Assembly, received a cheque from a Gourock Life Boy to the value of £12,000 representing the amount collected in 1964-65 by the Boys' Brigade and the Life Boys in Scotland for the overseas missionary work of the Church of Scotland.
Dr. Watt spoke of his own days as a boy and as an officer in the 22nd Aberdeen Company and told the audience of four hundred that he had been the solo cornet player in the band. He praised the Boys' Brigade for its work in the formation of character and discipline. The special Boys' Brigade and Life Boys missionarv interest overseas is in South Arabia and in the Southern Ogoja Leprosy work in Nigeria.
The Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations has appealed to young people the world over to help in the battle against hunger. The churches in Britain, represented by Christian Aid and the Youth Department of the British Council of Churches are sponsoring a special effort, to be con- centrated on a four week period, beginning now. The emphasis is on service. Young people are being asked to go out and serve their neighbours in their street, town or village, and through ,this to support proiects in Lebanon, Nigeria, Hong Kong and Chile. Details are contained in a leaflet, "A Call to Youth", which has been circulated to all Youth Fellowships and Groups.