Langholm Archive Group Web resources

Many people have offered us items of interest for which we are very grateful. The links below have a brief description of what you may expect to find on visiting these pages:
- Thomas Hope's will
We have the text of the will and codicils of Thomas Hope which give a fascinating glimpse into his views of philanthropy and the care that he took to make sure his dream for the Hospital would be realised in the way that he wanted.
- James Scott, Claygate
If you are looking for family names in the Canonbie area, you may be interested in the list of customers of James Scott from Claygate in the early eighteen hundreds: it is included with three lists of prices for goods and some other interesting items
- Potholm Farm
We have an interesting document regarding the lease of this farm, together with a list of the tenants over the years.
- Wilson's Directory
We have the directory text from the Almanac and Directory of 1887 printed by W. Wilson of the Eskdale and Liddesdale Advertiser. This provides a very full list of trades, shops, committees and officials for Langholm and the surrounding villages.
- Shoe patterns
There is a delightful page of shoe patterns from a Langholm clogger given to us by Jim Jackson.
- Engravings of Langholm
Brenda Morrison has shown us a charming booklet of engravings produced by Robert Scott of Langholm Post Office in 1885.
- Advertisements from the Guide
She has also shown us a guide book for Langholm from early motoring days. Click this link to see the advertisements from the guide....
- Text from the Guide
...and click this one to see the text
- The Duchess of Buccleuch's Comforts Fund Booklet
We have been given a copy by Mrs Eleanor McMurdo of the Duchess of Buccleuch's Comforts Fund booklet from the time of the Second World War which was circulated at the start of the war to encourage people to provide funds and knitted articles for the comfort of our troops. The booklet includes articles on the army, navy and air force and many knitting patterns.
- Bill Ewart's documents
Bill Ewart has passed on a large collection of documents from his father's estate. We have scanned a selection of the many documents in the collection and hope that you find them interesting
- Langholm Old Parish Church Centenary
Nigel Watt has given the group permission to put on our site the booklet produced by R H Watt, M.D. for the centenary of Langholm Old Parish Church in 1946. We are grateful for this kindness as there is a lot of interesting material in the booklet.
- A Poem by Jock the Post
Marie Telford-Jammeh has given us this copy of a poem written to a Canadian Exile. Jock takes a wander down memory lane and up and down the streets of Langholm.
- Burns Society Programme
Stuart Tedham has provided us with this programme from the Eskdale Burns Club of 1953
- Memories of Langholm Camp
A description of the camp on the Castleholm by Mrs Jean Little
- Ordnance Survey of Langholm Parish 1864
Scans of the Ordnance Survey maps of Langholm Parish. These maps were lent to the group by Jean Weatherstone and photographed for us by Jack Rae
- Extract from MacFarlane's Geographical Collections
Extract from MacFarlane's Geographical Collections. Published by the Scottish History Society in 3 volumes in 1907 containing a history of Langholm and Ewes written in 1726
- A copy of the brochure produced to mark the opening of the Langholm sewage works in 1972,
This brochure was given to the Archive Group by Irving Davidson.
- A spreadsheet of the results of the election of cornets, with lists of all candidates where possible.
This spreadsheet was prepared by StuartTedham and Sandy Gill.
- A copy of the brochure, A Round of a Hundred by Wattie Bell,produced to mark the centenary of Langholm Golf Club
This brochure is by kind permission of the Golf Club and was scanned by Ian Rose