Alum½d per oz.Lead red6d per lb
Axletree, iron23/- per cwtLeek seed1/2d per cwt
Bible, school3/2dLinseed4½d per lb
Bible, New Testament1/9dMagnesic4d per oz
Brown's Catechism4dNails4d per 100
Bottle for 6 quarts oil6dNails, various6d, 8d, 1/-d
Brimston, flor1oz, 1dNail rods2/6d for 10 lbs
Candles10d per lbOil, whale1/-d per qt
Clogs3/3d (1836)Onion seed1/2d per oz (1830)
Corks6 doz for 1/-Pearl ash1/-d per lb
Card, woollen6/-dPaper1/-d to 1/8d per quire
Copperas (Green vitriol) Plough plate1/4½d per lb
Dye, black5dPowder£2.8.0d to £2.10.0d for ½ cask
Dye, indigo1/- per ozQuills3d
Funeral notes½d eachSalts. Epsom1d per oz
1 Ferrit4dSaltpetre6d per lb
Grass, bog9d per stSnuff4d per oz
Grass, rye1/-d per stSickles7½d, 8½d, 1/-d
Hammer, mason's1/-dSoap, yellow7½d per lb
Hook, sharpening1/2dSoap10d per lb
Hook1/2dSpleuchan (pouch) tobacco7d
Ink1½dSpade, strong, No. 33/6d
Iron, common9/6d per cwtSock mould2½d per lb
Iron, Best English12/6d to 13/-d per cwtStarch1/4p per lb
Iron, Swedish2/10d per stSteel8d per lb
Iron, Best bar13/-d per cwtTobacco4d per oz
Umbrella, blue5/6d